The City of Orlando’s Office of Special Events (OSE) works with event producers/planners, city departments, venues and organizations to create safe and memorable event experiences in the city.
OSE assists with the event permitting process, public safety, site mapping, road closures, parking and other operational details, such as proper licenses and insurance.
Special Event Permits
18A Special Events Permits (also known as Outdoor Public Assembly Permits), are required when:
- More than 100 people will attend AND the event is held on city property. Or if the event on city property includes vending or alcohol regardless of number of attendees.
- If the event is on public or private property and will impact adjacent streets, sidewalks, rights-of-way or significantly displaces parking.
Events that require an 18A Permit include, but are not limited to:
- Parades
- Organized competitive events like runs or walks
- Street festivals
- Vendor markets
Permit application must be submitted at least 60 days but not greater than 180 days prior to event.
Orlando is home to more than 148 beautiful parks, gardens, recreation areas, neighborhood centers and playgrounds, providing a beautiful backdrop for your next event.
Families, Parks and Recreation offers rentals of pavilions, picnic tables and open spaces in our parks. Parks are still open to the public during these rentals, and pavilions/spaces that are not rented can be used on a first come, first serve basis. View a list of all available parks.
When hosting an event in a public park, a rental agreement is needed before submitting any other permitting applications. Each park has their own rental agreement and associated costs and requirements. Please email to discuss your event’s needs with a member of staff.
An 18A Permit is needed for any park event that includes alcohol and/or vending, regardless of the attendance numbers.
Event insurance is required for every event and the city will need to be added as an additional insured to the policy. You can inquire, when renting the park, about a city recommended broker. Host and/or liquor liability will need to be included in the policy for events with alcohol.
Reserve a space in a city park
As an example, below are the event related fees when renting event space within Lake Eola.
Note: Examples are only used as estimates and do not reflect final costs.
Site |
Hourly Rate |
Amphitheater |
$175 |
Washington Plaza |
$125 |
Sperry Fountain |
$125 |
Promenade |
$125 |
Peninsula |
$125 |
Washington Street |
$125 |
South Patio (Eola House) |
$125 |
Forum |
$150 |
Ting |
$150 |
International Plaza |
$150 |
International Bridge |
$150 |
Grass areas* |
$150 |
*Grass areas include Northeast, Northwest, East and the Overlook area off Robinson Street.
The Outdoor Public Assembly permit is also called an 18A permit.
An 18A Special Events Permit is required when events involving more than 100 people will take place on city property or is held on other property which impacts adjacent streets, sidewalks, or rights-of-way. A Special Event Permit is the official document authorizing the performance of an event on city property. To obtain this permit, applicants must submit a completed application, meet requirements, and submit a non-refundable application fee to the City of Orlando. Examples of events that require an 18a permit include but not limited to: parades, organized competitive events like runs and walks, street festivals, and vendor markets.
Please note, in some cases, additional applications, permits, fees and/or requirements will be necessary before an 18A Permit is issued. These include:
- City park rental
- Road closure approvals
- Parking services
- Alcohol licensing
- Police services
- Fire/Emergency medical services
- Fire Watch services
- Insurance
- Trash and recycling
- Streets and Stormwater regulations
- Tents, stages and fencing permits
Permit application must be submitted at least 60 days but not greater than 180 days prior to event.
Apply for an 18A Permit
Event Site Map
When completing the 18a application, a site plan is required to be uploaded with the application.
If the site plan changes once it is submitted, it is your responsibility to communicate any changes to the special event permitting team.
The more information you provide on your site plan, the better. The site plan should be:
To supplement the site plan, a detailed narrative and/or timeline of the event including a description of activities, schedule of entertainment, or other pertinent information will better assist us in reviewing the components of your event.
Plans should include, but are not limited to, the following:
Entrance and exit points
Maps of staging areas for parades/races
Route maps for parades/races
Street closures including street names
Parking plan
Volunteer stations/staging
Trash cans
Generator locations
Retail vendors
Food vendors
Alcohol consumption areas (i.e. beer gardens)
First aid stations
Amusement rides/inflatables
Tents – Identify any over 120 sq. ft.
Building or tent entrances and exits
Fireworks fallout zones and launching areas
Secured and/or enclosed fence areas
Compass showing directions
For fenced in areas, including entrances/exits, type of fencing and fence dimensions
The emergency access points for responders (Dimensions minimum of 20')
Any staged props (Helicopters, cars, etc.)
View example site map(PDF, 11MB)

View current road closures
Events requiring the temporary closure of a city street(s), highway, portion of highway, or sidewalk, or any other traffic management issues, must be approved by the Transportation Department. They will coordinate on the behalf of the applicant with relevant government authorities, including but not limited to: City of Orlando City Council, and the Florida Department of Transportation and execute the permit application.
It is the event promoter's responsibility to provide a Temporary Traffic Control Plan (also referred to as an MOT plan) that shows where the road will be closed, the devices used to close the road and where traffic will be rerouted during the time the road(s) are closed. The MOT will need to be submitted 60 days in advance of the event date.
Additionally, as required by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), anyone performing these functions must be MOT certified at the appropriate level. It is the event promoter's responsibility to contract with one of the local barricade companies to perform these functions.
Please note that The City of Orlando is not in negotiation with any pricing that the barricade company provides. Possible MOT companies include:
View example MOT plan(PDF, 3MB)
The MOT fees are separate from the city’s road closure permitting fees. The permitting fees are included here. These permit fees are rolled into the 18a permitting fees and are paid after the application has been screened by the Special Events office management team.
Note: Examples are only used as estimates and do not reflect final costs.
Road Closure Permitting Fee |
For profit events |
$350 |
Non-profit events |
$200 |
Once the MOT process has been started, Transportation will create a special notification letter that needs to be mailed out to the addresses affected by the road closure. The letter will need to be mailed out at least 3 weeks prior to your event taking place. Transportation will provide the documents (letter and addresses) within the 18A permitting process.
To learn more or stay updated on road closures, sign up to receive email notifications. Visit to view current and upcoming road closures.
Each applicant should arrange for adequate parking for the event and should have a parking and traffic plan that addresses traffic control, safety, and security for the proposed event. Depending on the time and day of your event some parking garages may be full or traffic surrounding parking locations may be heavy. On the contrary, your event may also impact parking and traffic operations.
Note: Examples are only used as estimates and do not reflect final costs.
Parking Meters
On-street parking meters may be rented by contacting the Parking Division at 407.245.2155 at least 72 hours before the event or applying online. The following information must be provided.
- Name of event
- Dates of event
- Dates of meter/ space rental
- Meter/space numbers
- Contact name
- Contact phone number
Apply for on-street parking meters
The rental and bagging of parking spaces removes them from public availability when utilized for a special event, thereby, any request for bagged metered parking space rental(s) will be charged to the event regardless of regular enforcement times.
The price for each meter is $15 per meter, per day (as needed up to 24 hours), the Parking Division staff will be responsible for bagging the meters. Additional information and final price will be determined during the rental process.
Private event parking can be reserved by emailing or contacting for 407.246.2155 during normal business hours, at least 72 hours before your event.
Private event parking may be necessary for your staff, volunteers, guests, or vendors that may need to park inside a garage or surface lot. The Parking Division will work with you on providing pre-arranged parking permits that will allow access into a garage. Please include the following information:
Public Special Event Parking
The parking division will work with you on providing pre-arranged parking permits that will allow access into a garage, by clicking on the link below. Please include the following information:
Reserve event parking
Payment is required for parking spaces that are reserved, actively blocked, meters are bagged, or spaces are otherwise removed from public inventory. If your event is cancelled or a meter request is no longer needed, please contact the Parking Division as soon as possible.
The Orlando Police Department provides a supplementary service to special events through uniformed extra duty officers. Events requiring road closures or involving alcohol are required to hire extra duty officers for the safety of the attendees.
OPD will also determine if and how many extra duty officers are needed for your event based on several planning variables, including:
Estimated number of attendees
Availability of alcoholic beverages
Event location
Weather conditions
Time of day during which the special event is conducted.
Need for street closures or rerouting of vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
History of event
Type of Event
Site plan
If extra duty officers are required, the applicant must complete the extra duty request application.
Request extra duty officers

Depending on your event, you may need the assistance of the Orlando Fire Department (OFD) for uniformed EMTs/paramedics, a Fire Watch application and/or a fireworks permit. For more information, please email
Fire/EMS Extra Duty
OFD provides supplementary services to special events through uniformed extra-duty EMTs/paramedics. OFD will determine if and how many EMTs and or paramedics will be required to be hired for the proposed event. OFD will make this determination based on several planning variables, including:
- Estimated number of attendees.
- Availability of alcoholic beverages.
- Event location.
- Weather conditions.
- Time of day during which the special event is conducted.
- Need for street closures or rerouting of vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
- History of event.
Note: Examples are only used as estimates and do not reflect final costs.
OFD Customer Rates 2024-2025/Fees for Extra Duty Events
Extra Duty Pay Rates (per hour) for OFD Personnel working extra duty events (i.e. Orlando City Soccer, foot races, festivals, night clubs, church services, etc.):
Position |
Rate per hour |
Rate per hour (holiday*) |
EMT/Paramedic |
$50 |
$75 |
Supervisor |
$60 |
$90 |
Commander |
$65 |
$97.50 |
Civilian |
city standard over time |
N/A |
*Holidays are defined as City of Orlando recognized holidays: New Year’s Day, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas. All events will require a 15% administrative fee on personnel costs. The administrative fee covers: Worker’s Compensation, taxes, Medicare, Social Security, operating costs and supplies.
Extra Duty Apparatus Rates (personnel fees not included) for standby(s) are as follows:
Apparatus/Equipment |
Rates |
Tower Truck or Engine |
$350 flat rate
$700 for more than 5 hours (up to 12) |
Woods Truck or Command Vehicle |
$325 flat rate
$600 for more than 5 hours (up to 12) |
Rescue/Transport Unit |
$250 flat rate
$300 for more than 5 hours (up to 12) |
EMS Cart or 2-Seat Loader |
$150 flat rate
$200 for more than 5 hours (up to 12) |
Dive Boat or EMS Bikes (per 2 bikes) |
$75 flat rate
$100 for more than 5 hours (up to 12) |
In case of any early termination of the Fire/EMS standby, our personnel are contractually guaranteed to a four (4) hour minimum for each personnel scheduled and contractual requirements dictate an eight (8) hour notice to terminate any scheduled personnel without incurring any costs.
Questions? Please email
Fire Watch
A Fire Watch is required for the following:
- Displays involving pyrotechnical devices or special effects
- Displays involving fireworks/aerial devices
- Use of fog/haze requiring the fire protection system(s) to be deactivated or paths of egress to be visually obscured
- Open cooking demonstrations without fire suppression systems
- Open flame activities
- Events blocking or hampering OFD emergency vehicle access
- Deactivation of any required fire protection systems
- Displays exceeding the fire protection systems design criteria
- Displays involving hazardous materials or processes
- Assembly events warranting crowd control
- Vehicle performances requiring the use of NFPA 610, Guide for Emergency and Safety Operations at Motorsports Venues
- The AHJ deems a fire watch necessary due to life safety or property loss concerns
Request a Fire Watch
If your event requires trash services such as container, rear end loaders, or carts, please email
The applicant is responsible for:
Litter shall be picked up before, during and after an event that is open to the public. It is the responsibility of the event planner to ensure that there are enough trash cans located throughout the event grounds and that they are emptied during the event to prevent overflow. If the waste generated by the event exceeds the capacity of the on-site containers, it is the event planner’s responsibility to remove the excess waste from the site. This may require additional dumpsters to be secured by the event planner. In addition, Solid Waste has garbage and recycling containers available for rent. We encourage event planners to incorporate recycling at their events.
Note: Examples are only used as estimates and do not reflect final costs.
Item |
Cost |
Temporary garbage truck |
$250/each |
Temporary garbage dumpster |
$200/each |
Temporary recycling dumpster |
$100/each |
Garbage cart |
$15/each |
Recycling cart |
$10/each |
Delivery fee |
$50 |
During a rainfall event, water flows from your event site, through storm drains, directly to lakes without any treatment. Stormwater can pick up pollutants such as oil, trash, and spilled food left behind from vendors and guests of your event. As an event coordinator, your organization can be liable for any stormwater violations. These violations could result in substantial monetary fines and cleanup costs. The cost to clean up pollutants once they are in a stormline or lake can be several thousand dollars. To help your event comply with the federal, state, and local stormwater regulations, we have outlined some Best Management Practices (BMPs) for you and your vendors to follow. It is your responsibility to inform all vendors and participants at your event of proper stormwater management practices.
Best Management Practices
The objective in stormwater protection is that only rainwater enter the storm drain. Best management practices are specific steps taken to prevent stormwater pollution at your event. All employees and vendors shall review this information sheet as a training tool, and make every effort to keep pollutants from going down the storm drain by putting the following BMPs into practice. In the City of Orlando, event planners have the unique opportunity to hold activities in close proximity to our more than 100 local lakes. Please join us in protecting some of our most beautiful natural resources.
View the city utility code
Contracts and Leases
- If you have contracts with vendors participating in your event or companies hired to help with cleanup, include language requiring them to be educated and responsible for proper stormwater management.
- Put this language in any contract into which you enter.
Waste Management and Disposal
- Be sure adequate receptacles are provided for use by vendors and guests to prevent litter.
- All waste receptacles (dumpsters) must be sturdy, leak-tight, and equipped with lids or covers. Keep all outdoor receptacles closed unless adding or removing wastes.
- Do not wash out any receptacles outdoors unless wastewater is collected or discharged to sanitary sewer.
- Be sure containers are emptied as needed to prevent overflow. It is also important they are emptied at the end of each day.
- Never place liquids in an outdoor waste receptacle.
Grease Management
- Protect the ground under and significantly beyond your deep fryer using a tarp. Prevent any grease residue from being deposited on paved surfaces.
- Ensure that each vendor has a spill cleanup kit (i.e., absorbent material, broom, dustpan, trash bags, etc.) on hand at all times. Clean up spills immediately.
- Properly dispose of all grease into an approved collection bin. If one is not provided, you will need to bring your own container to dispose of at another approved location.
Wash Water Management
- Provide disposal containers for your vendors to prevent having this wash water discharged to the environment. Handwashing stations, dishwashing stations, equipment washing, etc.
- Keep these disposal containers out of sight of the guests to prevent them from using containers as trashcans.
Pressure Washing
- Use dry cleanup methods to collect litter and absorb any liquid wastes prior to any pressure washing. These include using absorbents (e.g. “Oil-Dri,” kitty litter, rags, sand, etc.), sweeping, and scraping off dried debris.
- If you are not using any detergents or chemicals and are only cleaning surfaces of ambient dirt or dust, then this wash water can be directed to landscape or contained onsite and allowed to evaporate. However, if there is any food residue or oils on areas that are going to be washed, this method is NOT acceptable.
- Prior to pressure washing, identify where all storm drains are located. Storm drains may be located in the gutter at the end of a block or in landscaping hidden from view. Wash water must not be discharged onto paved surfaces or allowed to enter storm drains.
- Determine where water will pool for collection.
- Use the following types of equipment to protect storm drains and to contain and collect wash water: vacuum pumps, booms / berms, portable containment areas, weighted storm drain covers, inflatable plumber’s plugs, oil/water separators, holding tanks, portable sump pumps, hoses, and absorbents. Using wet vacs in areas near storm drains, and ditches is the recommended BMP.
- Once water is collected, dispose of it properly. Collected wash water may be disposed of into a sanitary sewer drain at the job site or at the contractor’s place of business. (FIRST ask for permission from property owner. DO NOT dispose of wastewater to a septic system.)
Portable Toilets
- Be sure they are serviced frequently to prevent any overflows or leaks.
- Require your vendor to stake down the portable toilets to prevent them from blowing over in high winds or from being tipped over.
- Do not place portable toilets next to or over a storm drain.
Illicit Discharge Reporting
- Stay alert for any signs of illegal discharges. Only rainwater is allowed to flow into any storm drain inlet or drainage ditch.
- Report any suspicious discharges to your City of Orlando event liaison promptly. To report a fuel or chemical spill, call 911. Please remember, outdoor waste receptacles are intended for dry materials only.
For more information on stormwater pollution prevention, or to report illicit discharge, contact the Stormwater Hotline at 407.246.2370.
After reading the Stormwater best practices for special events, please complete and sign the stormwater questionnaire:
Fill out Stormwater questionnaire
Note: Examples are only used as estimates and do not reflect final costs.
This permit is required for any tents submitted by a tent company contractor. Tents less than 120 square feet, not submitted by a tent company, are exempt.
Application submission timeline |
At least 30 business days prior to setup date |
Requirements |
- Permits are issued to bonded tent companies registered as a contractor with the City of Orlando
- Written consent of property owner
- Site plan showing proposed tent locations
Fee |
A permit is required for a temporary stage, except for:
A stage permit is not needed if you rent the city’s mobile stage. To inquire about a rental, contact Families, Parks and Recreation; Michael Wilson at 407.246.4890.
Temporary Fencing
A permit is required on city property for fences that are taller than six feet.
The city prohibits the selling of food or merchandise on city streets and sidewalks (Sec. 54.27). Exceptions are made for events with an 18A Permit. There are additional requirements for events with vending, food trucks and alcohol.
It is the responsibility of the event promoter to ensure the following:
- All vendors must have proof of a Business Tax Receipt (BTR) to operate any business within city limits.
- Food trucks will require an inspection from the Fire Marshall. A separate fee is associated with this inspection.
- General liability insurance is required for all events.
Fire Life Safety (Fire Marshal) - Food Truck Inspections - Requirements
While food safety and initial business inspections may be conducted by other entities, the City of Orlando requires Fire Safety Inspections each time a food truck is in operation during an event or activity.
- A current BTR is on-site and available upon request
- Mobile or temporary cooking operations are separated from the entrances and other exits of buildings or structures, combustible materials, vehicles and other cooking operations by a clear space distance of 10 ft. (3 m)
- Mobile or temporary cooking operations are separated from other mobile or temporary cooking operations by a clear distance of 10 ft. (3 m)
- Maintenance of the fire-extinguishing systems and listed exhaust hoods have been conducted by properly trained, qualified and certified person(s) acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction within the past six months
- Hood exhaust systems shall be kept clean at all times
- All internal combustion engine power sources are positioned so that the exhaust complies with the following:
- Located at least 12 ft (4 m) from openings, air intakes, and means of egress
- In a position pointed away from any building
- In a position pointed away from any mobile or temporary cooking operations
- Class K fire extinguishers have been provided for cooking appliance hazards that involve combustible cooking media (vegetable oils and animal oils and fats)
- Additional portable fire extinguishers are provided for other hazards in kitchen areas and selected, installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 10
Events on city property with alcohol require additional steps.
If the event plans to sell or serve alcohol, liquor liability insurance coverage will be needed. There are two different types. Host liquor liability allows small businesses to have events that include alcohol while protecting themselves from liability. It is only available to businesses that don’t make, sell, or serve alcoholic beverages.
If your business sells or serves alcohol, you’ll need liquor liability insurance coverage instead of host liquor liability insurance.
You’ll also need to provide an alcohol license. For most special events, either a 13CT or 4COP license is required.
View an example of a liquor license(PDF, 1MB)
For non-profit groups, the State will issue a temporary license to sell alcohol for up to 3 days. Follow the link below for instructions.
View instructions for the State application(PDF, 700KB)
Please refer to the Florida Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco for all compliance questions.
The Florida Department of Health has detailed requirements specifying the number of portable restroom units needed at special events based on the anticipated number of attendees. Additionally, one hand washing station is required for every 10 portable restroom units. Portable restrooms at special events must be serviced at least daily.
Per city code (18A.23), event insurance is required when hosting an event on city property. Please submit a certificate of insurance listing the city as an additional insured (using City Hall’s address: 400 S Orange Av Orlando, 32801). Minimum general liability is based on current city policy of $1,000,000. This needs to be submitted at least one week before the event date.
If your event is on city property, includes food trucks, alcohol, vending and/or street closures, it will require the approval of City Council. Per City Code, the 18A application needs to be submitted not more than one hundred eighty (180) days before, and not less than sixty (60) calendar days ahead of the event, so that we can ensure your event gets to City Council.
NOTE: You cannot advertise, engage in, participate in, aid, form or start any outdoor public assembly until the 18A permit is obtained by the event producers.
The Office of Special Events may reject or deny a permit application on one or more of the following grounds:
Failure to submit an application within the time frame, 60days before the event.
The application is not executed properly or is incomplete.
The application contains material misrepresentation or fraudulent information.
The applicant owes the City of Orlando money from another event, services provided or damages to city property.
The Office of Special Events has already received a completed application and given preliminary approval for the same date and or space.
If the use or the event would conflict with previously planned programs organized and conducted by the city or non-governmental agencies previously scheduled for the same time and place.
The applicant does not comply with all applicable city ordinances, traffic rules, park rules and regulations, state health laws, fire codes and liquor licensing regulations.
The use or event proposed by the applicant would present an unreasonable danger to health or safety of the public or applicant.
If the applicant cannot comply with applicable local, state and federal license requirements for all or part of the planned event.
If the use or event is prohibited by law.
If the Host Organization cancels or postpones a scheduled event there are no refunds as per our published policy on permit applications. The City of Orlando may cancel or postpone an event without prior notice for any condition affecting the public health or safety of the City or any condition that would place facilities, grounds, or other natural resources at risk of damage or destruction if the event were permitted to take place. Full credit will be given for events scheduled within 12 months of City’s notice of cancellation. The City of Orlando will not confirm a future date until both application fee and deposit are paid in full.