Submit Commercial or Multifamily Recycling Verification

Are you a commercial or multifamily property owner who needs to comply with the city's mandatory recycling policy?

The City of Orlando requires all commercial and multifamily properties provide recycling opportunities to their occupants. Recycling helps the environment, reduces waste fees for property owners and drives the economy.

Keep in Mind: You can work with any of the approved recycling companies operating in Orange County. The City of Orlando also offers commercial recycling services.

When is the deadline?

The city is rolling out the mandatory recycling plan in phases. Your deadline is based on what kind of property you own.

We encourage you to send your verification form as soon as possible, regardless of your property size. 

Effective Date Type of Multifamily Property Type of Commercial Property
October 1, 2019 New development / substantial improvements

New development / substantial improvements

April 1, 2020  >250 units >200,000 sq. ft.
April 1, 2021  75-249 units 100,000 – 199,999 sq. ft.
April 1, 2023  All other properties. All other properties.


Step 1.Check your eligibility

All commercial and multifamily properties in the City of Orlando limits must offer recycling. Even if your property already recycles, we need to have your provider information on file.

Step 2.Assess your property

Assess your property, paying attention to the layout, any dwelling units, possible and current dumpster locations and types of recyclables generated. 

Step 3.If you're not already recycling, request an appointment

The City offers free consultations to help property owners begin recycling. City staff will come out to your property and give a recommendation.

Request an Appointment 

Step 4.If you have a recycling program in place, submit your Recycling Verification Form

Complete this form to ensure compliance and make sure we have your recycling information up to date.

Submit a Recycling Verification Form

Step 5.We will contact you with your next steps

We will let you know if we need any additional information.

Step 6.Follow best practices for recycling

  • Let your tenants know they can begin recycling.
  • Train all staff as to what materials can and cannot be recycled.
  • Make sure all recycling areas have proper signage.
  • Schedule refresher training throughout the year for both staff and tenants.