Housing and Community Development

Housing and Community Development Services

Housing and Community Development Initiatives

DRAFT 2024 Annual Action Plan(PDF, 677KB): A component of the PY2021-2025 Consolidated Plan, the 2024 Annual Action Plan describes the types of activities to be carried out under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) grant programs to meet the overall Consolidated Plan goals and strategies to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, addressing urgent needs, and expanding economic opportunities principally for extremely low-, low- and moderate-income persons/households.

DRAFT 2024 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (Fair Housing Plan)(PDF, 11MB): As a recipient of federal funds, the City of Orlando is required to affirmatively further fair housing which obligates the city to take the following measures: 1) conduct an analysis of impediments to fair housing choice; 2) take appropriate actions to overcome the effects of impediments identified through that analysis; and 3) maintain records reflecting the analysis and actions. The Fair Housing Plan is an examination of the impediments or barriers to fair housing that affect protected classes within a geographic region, in this instance within the City of Orlando boundaries.

2023 Report of Recommendations(PDF, 299KB): The City of Orlando is required by Florida Statute 420.9076 to establish an Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) in order to complete a Housing Incentive Strategies Report. The report recommends specific actions or initiatives to encourage or facilitate the preservation of affordable housing units in the city, and the removal of regulatory barriers that increase the costs to develop affordable housing.

2022 DRAFT Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER)(PDF, 1021KB): The purpose of the City of Orlando CAPER is to provide the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Orlando citizens with a summary of the Housing and Community Development Department's accomplishments during the given year.

2021-2025 Consolidated Plan (includes 2021 Annual Action Plan)(PDF, 10MB): The Consolidated Plan is a five-year planning document that includes the community needs assessment, market analysis and strategic plan for addressing priority needs for the period of the plan.

2021-2024 Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) – Amended July 17, 2023(PDF, 3MB): The LHAP is a concise description of the City of Orlando’s housing assistance and housing incentive strategies. 

2024-2027 Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP)(PDF, 4MB): The LHAP is a concise description of the City of Orlando’s housing assistance and housing incentive strategies.

Citizen Participation Plan – Amended June 1, 2020:(PDF, 486KB) The City of Orlando is committed to providing opportunities for its citizens to participate in an advisory role in the planning, implementation and assessment of the use of federal housing funds. The Citizen Participation Plan establishes standards for the public participation process.

State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Annual Report for Closeout Year 2020-2021(PDF, 533KB)In order to receive future funding from the SHIP Program, the City of Orlando must annually report on local affordable housing program expenditures, leveraging, beneficiary demographics and more. The annual report demonstrates to the Florida Legislature and the Florida Housing Finance Corporation that SHIP funds are spent to assist eligible households, in compliance with established requirements and deadlines. 

State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Annual Report for Closeout Year 2021-2022(PDF, 499KB)In order to receive future funding from the SHIP Program, the City of Orlando must annually report on local affordable housing program expenditures, leveraging, beneficiary demographics and more. The annual report demonstrates to the Florida Legislature and the Florida Housing Finance Corporation that SHIP funds are spent to assist eligible households, in compliance with established requirements and deadlines



Copies of all final documents will be kept on file at Orlando City Hall, 7th Floor, Housing and Community Development Department, 400 South Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL, 32801, and will be made available for public inspection and review during regular business hours. The city will provide copies to citizens and groups, upon request, including large print copies for the visually impaired.