Spellman Engineering Site

Last updated on November 25, 2024

A front view photo of the avocado green Spellman Engineering Building.

The Former Spellman Engineering Site was identified in 1992 as the source of groundwater impacts in the Lake Highland area. Currently, a restriction on groundwater use in this area is in place that prohibits the installation of private supply or irrigation wells. Groundwater assessments and remediation is ongoing. 

District 3 Bioremediation Site Map.png


The Former Spellman Engineering (Spellman) Site (Site) operated between 1963 and 1969. Spellman performed parts cleaning using Tri-clene solvent, a powerful, all-purpose rust inhibitor removing grease, oils, grime, and dirt that contained trichloroethene (TCE) under a contract with the National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA). During operations, Spellman reportedly used Tri-clene on the southeastern portion of the property where an enclosed area that may have been used for a parts cleaning process was present. Accounts of spent solvents being discharged in this area were received during interviews during the assessment activities.

In 1992, groundwater underlying this area was determined to have been contaminated by TCE and was traced back to the Former Spellman Engineering Site. The City proactively sought opportunities to work with United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to address the site. Due to community concerns over site stigma, the potential for property values to be impacted, and the uncertainty with the duration for the cleanup, the City of Orlando also requested that EPA not list the site on the National Priority List (NPL). The City and the local community indicated a strong preference for a third-party cleanup using a property divestiture, cleanup, and redevelopment approach. EPA supported this approach, while maintaining that the NPL listing process would move forward if project milestones were not attained.

Since there was no viable responsible party identified, the City conducted a series of voluntary investigations at the site from 1992 to 2004 that defined the extent of the TCE contamination plume, evaluated the potential risks associated with the contamination, and evaluated cleanup alternatives. Key findings included:

  • No human exposure to contaminated ground water was occurring.
  • The groundwater plume underlay approximately 40 acres.
  • An estimated 580 gallons of TCE was present in the subsurface in 2004.
  • Migration to the Floridan Aquifer potentially threatened nearby municipal supply wells.
  • Contamination could be addressed through an engineered remedy.
  • Impacts to the vadose (unsaturated) soils were limited in both magnitude and extend.

The investigations also determined that the area could be redeveloped during cleanup activities and could be cleaned up to meet EPA’s unrestricted use/unlimited exposure criteria.

The EPA selected a remedy for the groundwater impacts in its 2004 Record of Decision (ROD). According to the ROD, the TCE plume originating from the Spellman Site would continue to contaminate the surficial aquifer and the Hawthorne Group intermediate aquifer until remediated, resulting in concentrations remaining the same or increasing.

In 2008, the EPA and the City signed the first-ever Contiguous Property Owner agreement. In exchange for EPA resolution of potential liability concerns, the city agreed to implement the site’s estimated $12.9 million remedy. The agreement included a covenant not to sue, which eased liability concerns, and waived EPA oversight costs. Additionally, the EPA did not list the site on the NPL and agreed that as long as cleanup activities were progressing, the site would remain off of the NPL. Implementation of the site’s remedy began in 2011. As part of the remediation efforts associated with the site, the following technologies were employed at the site between 2011 to 2013:

  • Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination (ERD) injections using molasses
  • In‐Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) injections using Sodium Persulfate
  • Bioaugmentation
  • Electrical Resistivity Heating
  • Groundwater pump and treatment (P&T)

The 2015 groundwater sampling results indicated that the contaminants in the groundwater had been reduced by 90% in target wells, compared to concentrations at the beginning of Remedial Action.

In 2017, the city worked with the EPA to determine the potential for vapor intrusion (VI) near several businesses in the vicinity of the groundwater plume. The assessment conducted by the EPA indicated there were no potential risks to workers in previously identified businesses.  

Assessments were completed between 2017 and 2021 to delineate areas of TCE present underneath the former Spellman building.


In 2020, the Former Spellman Engineering Site was purchased. The new owner has allowed the City unlimited access to the property during their construction which allowed for two additional remedial events to be completed in November 2021 and January 2023. Redevelopment to the northwest allowed coordination with another new property owner that allowed for an additional remedial event completed in October 2024. In 2024, a site-wide groundwater sampling event was completed to allow for a determination of concentrations in groundwater over the 40-acre area. The next steps include assessment of one area of deeper groundwater impacts, developing remedial strategies for three known impacted areas and groundwater monitoring. Based on concentrations, it is anticipated that groundwater monitoring will be required for over 10 years. Once groundwater levels drop to levels below the threshold, the site will be transitioned to the FDEP, and institutional control will be put in place to restrict groundwater use in this area.

Are there current risks from groundwater?

There was determined to be a groundwater plume emanating from the historic TCE discharges. No groundwater contamination of concern was found above 30 feet below land surface and all the local residents and businesses are connected to public water service, so there is currently no human health exposure pathway. The deeper groundwater is not impacted so the groundwater impacts do not pose a potential threat to the public supply wells. Testing for the analytes of concern in the public supply wells is performed in accordance with current regulations.

What is a groundwater plume?

A groundwater plume exists when hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants are present within an aquifer system. A plume of contaminated groundwater may be formed when substances are released to groundwater from a source at a facility. 

Is there contamination in the water?

Drinking water for the surrounding communities comes from municipal wells, which are at a significantly greater depth.  The Orlando Utilities Commission routinely samples all of its wells, and no contaminants from the site have been found in the municipal water supply

Will there be neighborhood impacts during the groundwater cleanup 

Residents and commuters will notice materials staged on the OUC property located adjacent to the site. Two direct push technology (DPT) drilling rigs, support vehicles, and some and heavy machinery will also be used to support the injections. An injection manifold will be utilized for the product deployment that may create some noise in the immediate area during project hours.  No impacts to the roadways, sidewalks or utilities are anticipated to happen during the Phase I activities.

Are there impacts to the lakes in the area? 

Sampling of surface water and sediment have been collected in this area and showed no impacts above current regulatory criteria. 

Can I install an irrigation or potable well in this area? 

Groundwater use has been prohibited in this area to ensure there is no potential for contact with the impacted TCE groundwater. Although the TCE levels in the top 30 feet of groundwater have been found to contain levels below applicable screening levels, no groundwater wells for supply or irrigation are allowed.  

If I want to sell my property, will I have to disclose the impacts in this area? 

Impacts are public knowledge. However, The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) acknowledged that the impacts in this area from the Spellman site are covered under the existing voluntary cleanup agreement between the City of Orlando and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and will not be the responsibility of any current or future property owners.  

If I want to develop my property, are there restrictions on digging? 

Soil sampling and risk assessments performed in this area have concluded that there are no risks associated with the installation of standard utilities. Due to the groundwater restriction in this area, digging below 6 feet will require authorization and coordination with the City of Orlando and the USEPA.  


722 Brookhaven Drive, Orlando, FL 32803  View Map

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