Apply to the Housing Rehabilitation Program

Are you a low income homeowner in need of home repairs to your property?

The City of Orlando assists qualified homeowners with repairs to help correct conditions that may threaten the health and safety of occupants.



Step 1.Understand how the program works

There are different levels of assistance based on eligibility criteria and available funding. 

Assistance Amount Affordability Period
Up to $15,000 None
$15,001 to $40,000 10 years
More than $40,000 15 years

Things to note:

  • For assistance over $15,000, a deferred loan, in the form of a recorded mortgage and note, will be placed on the property for the extent of the affordability period.
  • As long as the property remains your principal residence, and you do not rent, sell or convey ownership of the property during the affordability period, the loan will be forgiven and a satisfaction of mortgage will be recorded. 
  • Assistance will become due and payable on a prorated basis if the property is sold, rented, ceases to be owner-occupied, or the home is refinanced for cash-out or debt consolidation during the affordability period. 

Step 2.Verify your property is in City of Orlando limits

To qualify, your property must be within city limits. Please check your property address on the top right search bar of the Information Locator website below.

Check Your Address

Step 3.Check your property's eligibility

To receive assistance, the property must be:

  • Within City of Orlando limits
  • An existing single-family home
  • Current in property taxes, homeowner's insurance, utilities and mortgage payments (if the needed repairs total less than $15,000, you are not required to have current homeowner's insurance)
  • Your principal residence

We are unable to offer assistance if:

  • The property is a mobile home, townhome, condominium, duplex or villa
  • The property is outside of City of Orlando limits (even if within Orange County with an Orlando address)
  • The property has outstanding property tax, homeowner's insurance, utilities or mortgage payments due, or outstanding code enforcement liens
  • You do not own and occupy the property 

Step 4.Check your income eligibility

Get copies of pay stubs for the members of your household and calculate your total household income.

View Income Eligibility Limits

Step 5.Complete application

Keep in mind: We prioritize applications for:
  • Extremely Low, Very Low, and Low Income households
  • Households with documented special needs
  • Households in need of emergency repair

Apply for Assistance

Step 6.We will review your application

If you are eligible and funding becomes available, we will notify you about your status. You have thirty (30) days to complete the application entirely and provide all of the required documentation.

Please note:

  • The city assists with financing only and makes no warranty with regard to the work. The city will not be responsible for any errors or deficiencies related to the home repairs.
  • We will inform you in writing if payment assistance for the repairs to the property is denied based on the initial review. You will have thirty (30) days to contest that denial with new documentation.