Delaney Park Crime Stats

The below statistics are to inform of police presence in the Delaney Park neighborhood. The information is organized by month and year, and it refers to how many phone calls were received from citizens to the Orlando Police Department, as well as the documented incidences, which are noted when OPD has documented a crime, suspected crime or informational report. 

*Note: There could be multiple citizen calls for the same incident.

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September, 2024

During the month of September 2024, OPD responded to 28 Calls for Service. Of the 28 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:

Petit Theft

Stolen Tag

In September 2023, OPD responded to 34 Calls for Service. Of the 34 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:

Information Report

Lost Property

Residential Burglary


August, 2024

During the month of August 2024, OPD responded to 19 Calls for Service. Of the 19 (2) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:

Identity Theft

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

In August 2023, OPD responded to 30 Calls for Service. Of the 30 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:

Baker Act

Residential Burglary


July, 2024

During the month of July 2024, OPD responded to 30 Calls for Service. Of the 30 (1) Calls for Service, OPD documented 1 incidence to wit:

Vehicle Burglary

In July 2023, OPD responded to 29 Calls for Service. Of the 329 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:


Identity Theft

Identity Theft

Information Report


June, 2024

During the month of June 2024, OPD responded to 29 Calls for Service. Of the 29 (2) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:

Drug Violation

Identity Theft

Petit Theft

In June 2023, OPD responded to 35 Calls for Service. Of the 35 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences to wit:


Criminal Mischief

Identity Theft

Information Report

Petit Theft


May, 2024

During the month of May 2024, OPD responded to 28 Calls for Service. Of the 28 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 0 incidences to wit:

No Reports!!

In May 2023, OPD responded to 30 Calls for Service. Of the 30 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:


Information Report

Petit Theft


April, 2024

During the month of April 2024, OPD responded to 11 Calls for Service. Of the 11 (2) Calls for Service, OPD documented 0 incidences to wit:

No Reports!!

In April 2023, OPD responded to 36 Calls for Service. Of the 36 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Criminal Mischief


Information Report

Suspicious Incident/Person


March, 2024

During the month of March 2024, OPD responded to 38 Calls for Service. Of the 38 (9) Calls for Service, OPD documented 1 incidence to wit:


In March 2023, OPD responded to 48 Calls for Service. Of the 48 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences to wit:


Information Report

Lost Property

Traffic Arrest

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary


February, 2024

During the month of February 2024, OPD responded to 31 Calls for Service. Of the 31 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences to wit:

Baker Act



Missing Person-Adult

Trespass After Warning

In February 2023, OPD responded to 29 Calls for Service. Of the 29 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences to wit:


Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary


January, 2024

During the month of January 2024, OPD responded to 28 Calls for Service. Of the 28 (8) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:

Information Report

Residential Burglary

Suspicious Incident/Person

In January 2023, OPD responded to 42 Calls for Service. Of the 42 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:

Lost Property

Petit Theft

Suspicious Incident/Person



December, 2023

During the month of December 2023, OPD responded to 44 Calls for Service. Of the 44 (5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences to wit:

Information Report

Petit Theft

Petit Theft

Petit Theft

Petit Theft

Vehicle Burglary

In January 2022, OPD responded to 35 Calls for Service. Of the 35 (7) Calls for Service,

OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Baker Act

Petit Theft

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary


November 2023

During the month of November 2023, OPD responded to 32 Calls for Service. Of the 32 (5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:

Commercial Burglary

Information Report

Petit Theft

In November 2022, OPD responded to 45 Calls for Service. Of the 45 (12) Calls for Service, OPD documented 10 incidences to wit:

Baker Act



Information Report

Information Report

Petit Theft

Petit Theft

Residential Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary


October 2023

During the month of October 2023, OPD responded to 38 Calls for Service. Of the 38 (9) Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences to wit:


Criminal Mischief

Petit Theft

Residential Burglary

Suspicious Incident/Person

In October 2022, OPD responded to 38 Calls for Service. Of the 38 (5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Lost Property

Residential Burglary

Suspicious Incident/Person

Suspicious Incident/Person


September 2023

During the month of September 2023, OPD responded to 34 Calls for Service. Of the 34 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:

Information Report

Lost Property

Residential Burglary

In September 2022, OPD responded to 35 Calls for Service. Of the 35 (9) Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences to wit:

Petit Theft

Petit Theft

Petit Theft

Petit Theft

Vehicle Burglary


August 2023

During the month of August 2023, OPD responded to 30 Calls for Service. Of the 30 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:

Baker Act

Residential Burglary

In August 2022, OPD responded to 48 Calls for Service. Of the 48 (11) Calls for Service, OPD documented 12 incidences to wit:

Baker Act


Criminal Mischief

Drug Violation

Identity Theft

Petit Theft

Serving an Injunction

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary


July 2023

During the month of July 2023, OPD responded to 29 Calls for Service. Of the 29 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:


Identity Theft

Identity Theft

Information Report

In July 2022, OPD responded to 38 Calls for Service. Of the 38 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Identity Theft

Identity Theft

Residential Burglary

Vehicle Burglary


June 2023

During the month of June 2023, OPD responded to 35 Calls for Service. Of the 35 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences to wit:


Criminal Mischief

Identity Theft

Information Report

Petit Theft

In June 2022, OPD responded to 27 Calls for Service. Of the 27 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary


May, 2023

During the month of May 2023, OPD responded to 30 Calls for Service. Of the 30 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:

Information Report
Petit Theft

In May 2022, OPD responded to 42 Calls for Service. Of the 42 (8) Calls for Service, OPD documented 7 incidences to wit:

Criminal Mischief
Drug Violation
Grand Theft
Information Report
Petit Theft
Vehicle Burglary
Vehicle Burglary


April, 2023

During the month of April 2023, OPD responded to 36 Calls for Service. Of the 36 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Criminal Mischief
Information Report
Suspicious Incident/Person

In April 2022, OPD responded to 32 Calls for Service. Of the 32 (3) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Information Report
Petit Theft
Residential Burglary


March, 2023

During the month of March 2023, OPD responded to 48 Calls for Service. Of the 48 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences to wit:


Information Report

Lost Property

Traffic Arrest

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

In March 2022, OPD responded to 22 Calls for Service. Of the 22 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:


Lost Property

Unattended Death


February, 2023

During the month of February 2023, OPD responded to 29 Calls for Service. Of the 29 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences to wit:


Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

In February 2022, OPD responded to 26 Calls for Service. Of the 26 (3) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:


Identity Theft

Residential Burglary


January, 2023

During the month of January 2023, OPD responded to 42 Calls for Service. Of the 42 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:

Lost Property

Petit Theft

Suspicious Incident/Person

In January 2022, OPD responded to 40 Calls for Service. Of the 40 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Baker Act

Information Report

Recovered Vehicle Tag

Vehicle Burglary



During the month of December 2022, OPD responded to 35 Calls for Service. Of the 35 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Baker Act

Petit Theft

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

In January 2021, OPD responded to 29 Calls for Service. Of the 29 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:


Shooting at/within/in struc/veh

Vehicle Burglary



During the month of November 2022, OPD responded to 45 Calls for Service. Of the 45 (12) Calls for Service, OPD documented 10 incidences to wit:

Baker Act



Information Report

Information Report

Petit Theft

Petit Theft

Residential Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

In November 2021, OPD responded to 28 Calls for Service. Of the 28 (5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 7 incidences to wit:

Baker Act

Grand Theft

Information Report

Motor Vehicle Theft

Petit Theft

Traffic Crash Report

Vehicle Burglary



During the month of October 2022, OPD responded to 38 Calls for Service. Of the 38 (5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Lost Property

Residential Burglary

Suspicious Incident/Person

Suspicious Incident/Person

In October 2021, OPD responded to 29 Calls for Service. Of the 29 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 8 incidences to wit:

Commercial Burglary


Grand Theft

Petit Theft

Petit Theft

Residential Burglary

Residential Burglary

Vehicle Burglary



During the month of September 2022, OPD responded to 35 Calls for Service. Of the 35 (9) Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidence to wit:

Petit Theft

Petit Theft

Petit Theft

Petit Theft

Vehicle Burglary

In September 2021, OPD responded to 37 Calls for Service. Of the 37 (5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 1 incidence to wit:

Baker Act



During the month of August 2022, OPD responded to 48 Calls for Service. Of the 48 (11)

Calls for Service, OPD documented 12 incidences to wit:

Baker Act


Criminal Mischief

Drug Violation

Identity Theft

Petit Theft

Serving an Injunction

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

In August 2021, OPD responded to 21 Calls for Service. Of the 21 (4) Calls for Service,

OPD documented 1 incidence to wit:

Identity Theft



During the month of July 2022, OPD responded to 38 Calls for Service. Of the 38 (7)

Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Identity Theft

Identity Theft

Residential Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

In July 2021, OPD responded to 29 Calls for Service. Of the 29 (6) Calls for Service,

OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:

Baker Act


Petit Theft



During the month of June 2022, OPD responded to 27 Calls for Service. Of the 27 (4)

Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

In June 2021, OPD responded to 41 Calls for Service. Of the 41 (6) Calls for Service,

OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Criminal Mischief

Grand Theft

Grand Theft

Petit Theft



During the month of May 2022, OPD responded to 42 Calls for Service. Of the 42 (8)

Calls for Service, OPD documented 7 incidences to wit:

Criminal Mischief

Drug Violation

Grand Theft

Information Report

Petit Theft

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

In May 2021, OPD responded to 42 Calls for Service. Of the 42 (8) Calls for Service,

OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Baker Act

Petit Theft

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary



During the month of April 2022, OPD responded to 32 Calls for Service. Of the 32 (3)

Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:


Information Report

Petit Theft

Residential Burglary

In April 2021, OPD responded to 42 Calls for Service. Of the 42 (5) Calls for Service,

OPD documented 5 incidences to wit:

Motor Vehicle Theft



Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary



During the month of March 2022, OPD responded to 22 Calls for Service. Of the 22 (4)

Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:


Lost Property

Unattended Death

In March 2021, OPD responded to 38 Calls for Service. Of the 38 (10) Calls for Service,

OPD documented 6 incidences to wit:

Baker Act

Identity Theft

Missing Person-Adult

Petit Theft

Vehicle Burglary

Warrant Arrest



During the month of February 2022, OPD responded to 26 Calls for Service. Of the 26 (3) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:


Identity Theft

Residential Burglary

In February 2021, OPD responded to 41 Calls for Service. Of the 41 (13) Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences to wit:

Baker Act

Child Neglect

Information Report

Petit Theft

Residential Burglary

Vehicle Burglary



During the month of January 2022, OPD responded to 40 Calls for Service. Of the 40 (6)

Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Baker Act

Information Report

Recovered Vehicle Tag

Vehicle Burglary

In January 2021, OPD responded to 34 Calls for Service. Of the 34 (11) Calls for

Service, OPD documented 5 incidences to wit:

Aggravated Assault

Identity Theft

Information Report





During the month of December 2021, OPD responded to 29 Calls for Service. Of the 29 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:


Shooting at/within/in struc/veh

Vehicle Burglary

In January 2020, OPD responded to 46 Calls for Service. Of the 46 (5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:

Found Property

Motor Vehicle Theft

Information Report



During the month of November 2021, OPD responded to 28 Calls for Service. Of the 28
(5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 7 incidences to wit:


Baker Act
Grand Theft
Information Report
Motor Vehicle Theft
Petit Theft
Traffic Crash Report
Vehicle Burglary

In November 2020, OPD responded to 26 Calls for Service. Of the 26 (8) Calls for
Service, OPD documented 0 incidences to wit:


No Reports!!



During the month of October 2021, OPD responded to 64 Calls for Service. Of the 64
(12) Calls for Service, OPD documented 8 incidences to wit:


Drug Violation
Grand Theft
Petit Theft
Petit Theft
Stolen Tag

In October 2020, OPD responded to 42 Calls for Service. Of the 42 (3) Calls for Service,
OPD documented 7 incidences to wit:


Aggravated Battery
Grand Theft
Grand Theft
Adult At-Large
City Ordinance Violation



During the month of September 2021, OPD responded to 37 Calls for Service. Of the 37
(5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 1 incidence to wit:


Baker Act

In September 2020, OPD responded to 50 Calls for Service. Of the 50 (7) Calls for
Service, OPD documented 7 incidences to wit:
Criminal Mischief
Missing Person-Adult
Stolen Tag
Unattended Death
Vehicle Burglary
Vehicle Burglary



During the month of August 2021, OPD responded to 21 Calls for Service. Of the 21 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 1 incidence to wit:

Identity Theft

In August 2020, OPD responded to 48 Calls for Service. Of the 48 (12) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:

Identity Theft
City Ordinance Violation



During the month of July 2021, OPD responded to 29 Calls for Service. Of the 29 (6)

Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:

Baker Act


Petit Theft

In July 2020, OPD responded to 52 Calls for Service. Of the 52 (7) Calls for Service,

OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Petit Theft

Residential Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary



During the month of June 2021, OPD responded to 41 Calls for Service. Of the 41 (6)

Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Criminal Mischief

Grand Theft

Grand Theft

Petit Theft

In June 2020, OPD responded to 25 Calls for Service. Of the 25 (4) Calls for Service,

OPD documented 0 incidences to wit:

No Reports!!



During the month of May 2021, OPD responded to 42 Calls for Service. Of the 42 (8) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Baker Act
Petit Theft
Vehicle Burglary
Vehicle Burglary

In May 2020, OPD responded to 36 Calls for Service. Of the 36 (9) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:

Vehicle Burglary




During the month of April 2021, OPD responded to 42 Calls for Service. Of the 42 (5)

Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences to wit:

Motor Vehicle Theft



Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

In April 2020, OPD responded to 21 Calls for Service. Of the 21 (8) Calls for Service,

OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Criminal Mischief

Suspicious Incident/Person

Suspicious Incident/Person

Vehicle Burglary



During the month of March 2021, OPD responded to 38 Calls for Service. Of the 38 (10)

Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences to wit:

Baker Act

Identity Theft

Missing Person-Adult

Petit Theft

Vehicle Burglary

Warrant Arrest

In March 2020, OPD responded to 35 Calls for Service. Of the 35 (10) Calls for Service,

OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Aggravated Battery

Petit Theft

Recovered Stolen Property

Suspicious Incident/Person



During the month of February 2021, OPD responded to 41 Calls for Service. Of the 41

(13) Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences to wit:

Baker Act

Child Neglect

Information Report

Petit Theft

Residential Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

In February 2020, OPD responded to 39 Calls for Service. Of the 39 (10) Calls for

Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:


Petit Theft

Residential Burglary



During the month of January 2021, OPD responded to 34 Calls for Service. Of the 34

(11) Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences to wit:

Aggravated Assault

Identity Theft

Information Report



In January 2020, OPD responded to 31 Calls for Service. Of the 31 (5) Calls for Service,

OPD documented 1 incidences to wit:

Petit Theft



During the month of December 2020, OPD responded to 46 Calls for Service. Of the 46

(5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:

Found Property

Motor Vehicle Theft

Information Report


In December 2019, OPD responded to 78 Calls for Service. Of the 78 (10) Calls for Service, OPD documented 8 incidences to wit:

Aggravated Assault


Grand Theft

Petit Theft

Petit Theft

Petit Theft

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary



During the month of November 2020, OPD responded to 26 Calls for Service. Of the 26

(8) Calls for Service, OPD documented 0 incidences to wit:

No Reports!!

In November 2019, OPD responded to 31 Calls for Service. Of the 31 (6) Calls for

Service, OPD documented 7 incidences to wit:

Baker Act


Found Property

Possession of Controlled Subst

Residential Burglary

Traffic Crash Report

Vehicle Burglary



From October 1 to October 31, 2020, OPD responded to 44 Calls for Service. Of the 44 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:

Baker Act

Information Report

Traffic Crash Report

In October 2019, OPD responded to 39 Calls for Service. Of the 39 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences to wit:

Information Report

Lost Property

Suspicious Incident/Person

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary



From September 1 to September 30, 2020 , OPD responded to 50 Calls for Service. Of the 50 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 7 incidences to wit:

Criminal Mischief


Missing Person-Adult

Stolen Tag

Unattended Death

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

In September 2019, OPD responded to 28 Calls for Service. Of the 28 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:

Baker Act

Identity Theft



From August 1 to August 31, 2020, OPD responded to 48 Calls for Service. Of the 48 (12) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:  

Identity Theft 

City Ordinance Violation 

In August 2019, OPD responded to 42 Calls for Service. Of the 42 (5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit: 

Baker Act 

Baker Act 


Residential Burglary 


From July 1 to July 31, 2020, OPD responded to 52 Calls for Service. Of the 52 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Petit Theft

Residential Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

In July 2019, OPD responded to 39 Calls for Service. Of the 39 (1) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:

Baker Act

Identity Theft

Identity Theft



From June 1 to June 30, 2020, OPD responded to 25 Calls for Service. Of the 25 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 0 incidences to wit:

No Reports!!

In June 2019, OPD responded to 37 Calls for Service. Of the 37 (2) Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences to wit:

Grand Theft

Identity Theft

Suspicious Incident/Person

Traffic Crash Report

Vehicle Burglary 



From May 1 to May 31, 2020, OPD responded to 36 Calls for Service. Of the 36 (9) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit: 


Vehicle Burglary  

In May 2019, OPD responded to 36 Calls for Service. Of the 36 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 19 incidences to wit: 

Baker Act 



Information Report 

Information Report 

Injunction Violation 

Lost Property 

Missing Person-Juvenile 

Petit Theft 

Recovered Missing Juvenile  

Recovered Missing Juvenile 

Residential Burglary 

Residential Burglary 

Traffic Crash Report 

Vehicle Burglary 

Vehicle Burglary 

Vehicle Burglary 

Vehicle Burglary 

Vehicle Burglary



From April 1 to April 30, 2020, OPD responded to 21 Calls for Service. Of the 21 (8) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit: 

Criminal Mischief 

Suspicious Incident/Person  

Suspicious Incident/Person

Vehicle Burglary  

In April 2019, OPD responded to 34 Calls for Service. Of the 34 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit: 


Petit Theft  

Residential Burglary 

Residential Burglary 



From March 1 to March 31, 2020, OPD responded to 35 Calls for Service. Of the 35 (10) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit: 

Aggravated Battery 

Petit Theft  

Recovered Stolen Property 

Suspicious Incident/Person 

In March 2019, OPD responded to 19 Calls for Service. Of the 19 (2) Calls for Service, OPD documented 0 incidences to wit:  

No Reports



From February 1 to February 29, 2020, OPD responded to 39 Calls for Service. Of the 39 (10) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit: 


Petit Theft 

Residential Burglary  

In February 2019, OPD responded to 21 Calls for Service. Of the 21 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit: 

Information Report 

Petit Theft  

Traffic Crash Report

Vehicle Burglary 



From January 1 to January 31, 2020, OPD responded to 31 Calls for Service. Of the 31 (5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 1 incidence to wit: 

Petit Theft 

In January 2019, OPD responded to 29 Calls for Service. Of the 29 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences to wit: 

Identity Theft 

Suspicious Incident/Person 

Unattended Death  

Vehicle Burglary 

Vehicle Burglary 

Vehicle Burglary


From December 1 to December 31, 2019, OPD responded to 26 Calls for Service. Of the 26 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences to wit:

Baker Act

Residential Burglary

Information Report

Suspicious Incident/Person

Petit Theft

In December 2018, OPD responded to 20 Calls for Service. Of the 20 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:


Missing Person-Adult 



From November 1 to November 30, 2019, OPD responded to 31 Calls for Service. Of the 31 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 7 incidences to wit:

Baker Act


Found Property

Possession of Controlled Substance

Residential Burglary

Traffic Crash Report

Vehicle Burglary

In November 2018, OPD responded to 23 Calls for Service. Of the 23 (5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 0 incidences to wit:

No Reports



From October 1 to October 31, 2019, OPD responded to 39 Calls for Service. Of the 59 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences to wit:

Information Report

Lost Property

Suspicious Incident/Person

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

In October 2018, OPD responded to 23 Calls for Service. Of the 23 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:

Information Report

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary



From September 1 to September 30, 2019, OPD responded to 28 Calls for Service. Of the 28 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:

Baker Act

Identity Theft

In September 2018, OPD responded to 31 Calls for Service. Of the 31 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:

Baker Act

Battery Vehicle




From August 1-31, 2019, OPD responded to 42 Calls for Service. Of the 42 (5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Baker Act

Baker Act


Residential Burglary

From August 1-31, 2018, OPD responded to 31 Calls for Service. Of the 31 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Baker Act


Grand Theft

Suspicious Incident/Person



From July 1-31, 2019, OPD responded to 39 Calls for Service. Of the 29 (1) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:

Baker Act

Identity Theft

Identity Theft

From July 1-31, 2018, OPD responded to 37 Calls for Service. Of the 37 (11) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:

Identity Theft

Traffic Crash Report




From June 1-30, 2019, OPD responded to 37 Calls for Service. Of the 37 (2) Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences to wit:

Grand Theft

Identity Theft

Suspicious Incident/Person

Traffic Crash Report

Vehicle Burglary

From June 1-30, 2018, OPD responded to 50 Calls for Service. Of the 50 (8) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:

Drug Violation

Grand Theft

Traffic Crash Report



From May 1-31, 2019, OPD responded to 36 Calls for Service. Of the 36 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 19 incidences to wit:

Baker Act



Information Report

Information Report

Injunction Violation

Lost Property

Missing Person-Juvenile

Petit Theft

Recovered Missing Juvenile

Recovered Missing Juvenile

Residential Burglary

Residential Burglary

Traffic Crash Report

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

From May 1-31, 2018, OPD responded to 35 Calls for Service. Of the 35 (5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences to wit:


Grand Theft

Identity Theft

Recovered Stolen Vehicle

Suspicious Incident/Person

Suspicious Incident/Person



From April 1-30, 2019, OPD responded to 34 Calls for Service. Of the 34 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:


Petit Theft

Residential Burglary

Residential Burglary

From April 1-30, 2018, OPD responded to 24 Calls for Service. Of the 24 (3) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Drug Violation

Residential Burglary

Suspicious Incident/Person

Vehicle Burglary




From March 1-31, 2019, OPD responded to 19 Calls for Service. Of the 19 (2) Calls for Service, OPD documented 0 incidences to wit:

No Reports!

From March 1-31, 2018, OPD responded to 31 Calls for Service. Of the 31 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences to wit:

Counterfeit Currency

Criminal Mischief

Motor Vehicle Theft

Recovered Missing Juvenile

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary




From February 1-28, 2019, OPD responded to 21 Calls for Service. Of the 21 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Information Report

Petit Theft

Traffic Crash Report

Vehicle Burglary

From February 1-28, 2018, OPD responded to 26 Calls for Service. Of the 26 (9) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:

Petit Theft

Vehicle Burglary




From January 1-31, 2019, OPD responded to 29 Calls for Service. Of the 29 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences to wit:

Identity Theft

Suspicious Incident/Person

Unattended Death

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

From January 1-31, 2018, OPD responded to 25 Calls for Service. Of the 25 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences to wit:

Criminal Mischief

Identity Theft

Identity Theft

Residential Burglary

Residential Burglary

Vehicle Burglary




From December 1-31, 2018, OPD responded to 20 Calls for Service. Of the 20 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:


Missing Person-Adult

From December 1-31, 2017, OPD responded to 30 Calls for Service. Of the 30 (5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences to wit:

Suspicious Incident/Person

Criminal Mischief


Suspicious Incident/Person

Drug Violation




From November 1-30, 2018, OPD responded to 23 Calls for Service. Of the 23 (5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 0 incidences to wit:

No Reports!!

From November 1-30, 2017, OPD responded to 26 Calls for Service. Of the 26 (12) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:


Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary




From October 1-31, 2018, OPD responded to 23 Calls for Service. Of the 23 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:

Information Report

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

From October 1-31, 2017, OPD responded to 25 Calls for Service. Of the 25 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Missing Person-Adult

Petit Theft

Residential Burglary

Resisting Arrest W/O Violence





From September 1-30, 2018, OPD responded to 31 Calls for Service. Of the 31 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:

Baker Act


Vehicle Burglary

From September 1-30, 2017, OPD responded to 24 Calls for Service. Of the 24 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:

Information Report

Vehicle Burglary




From August 1-31, 2018, OPD responded to 31 Calls for Service. Of the 31 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Baker Act


Grand Theft

Suspicious Incident/Person

From August 1-31, 2017, OPD responded to 41 Calls for Service. Of the 41 (8) Calls for Service, OPD documented 10 incidences to wit:

Baker Act




Grand Theft

Information Report

Information Report

Information Report

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary




From July 1-31, 2018, OPD responded to 37 Calls for Service. Of the 37 (11) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:

Identity Theft

Traffic Crash Report

From July 1-31, 2017, OPD responded to 41 Calls for Service. Of the 41 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:

Florida Traffic Crash Report

Vehicle Burglary




From June 1-30, 2018, OPD responded to 50 Calls for Service. Of the 50 (8) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:

Drug Violation

Grand Theft

Traffic Crash Report

From June 1-30, 2017, OPD responded to 27 Calls for Service. Of the 27 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 7 incidences to wit:



Motor Vehicle Theft

Petit Theft

Residential Burglary

Residential Burglary

Suspicious Incident/Person




From May 1-31, 2018, OPD responded to 35 Calls for Service. Of the 35 (5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences to wit:


Grand Theft

Identity Theft

Recovered Stolen Vehicle

Suspicious Incident/Person

Suspicious Incident/Person

From May 1-31, 2017, OPD responded to 33 Calls for Service. Of the 33 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:


Identity Theft

Motor Vehicle Theft

Residential Burglary




From April 1-30, 2018, OPD responded to 24 Calls for Service. Of the 24 (3) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Drug Violation

Residential Burglary

Suspicious Incident/Person

Vehicle Burglary

From April 1-30, 2017, OPD responded to 26 Calls for Service. Of the 26 (5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:


Petit Theft

Vehicle Burglary




From March 1-31, 2018, OPD responded to 31 Calls for Service. Of the 31 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences to wit:

Counterfeit Currency

Criminal Mischief

Motor Vehicle Theft

Recovered Missing Juvenile

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

From March 1-31, 2017, OPD responded to 34 Calls for Service. Of the 34 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:

Missing Person-Adult

Identity Theft



From February 1-28, 2018, OPD responded to 26 Calls for Service. Of the 26 (9) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:

Petit Theft

Vehicle Burglary

From February 1-28, 2017, OPD responded to 29 Calls for Service. Of the 29 (8) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:

Information Report

Residential Burglary



No statistics for Delaney Park from January 1-31, 2018 - January 1-31, 2017



From December 1-31, 2017, OPD responded to 30 Calls for Service. Of the 30 (5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences to wit:

Suspicious Incident/Person

Criminal Mischief


Suspicious Incident/Person

Drug Violation

From December 1-31, 2016, OPD responded to 34 Calls for Service. Of the 34 (8) Calls for Service, OPD documented 7 incidences to wit:


Found Property

Residential Burglary

Residential Burglary

Suspicious Incident/Person

Vehicle Burglary

Warrant Arrest



From November 1-30, 2017, OPD responded to 26 Calls for Service. Of the 26 (12) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:


Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

From November 1-30, 2016, OPD responded to 22 Calls for Service. Of the 22 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:


Person Robbery

Residential Burglary



From October 1-31, 2017, OPD responded to 25 Calls for Service. Of the 25 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:

Missing Person-Adult

Petit Theft

Residential Burglary

Resisting Arrest W/O Violence

From October 1-31, 2016, OPD responded to 50 Calls for Service. Of the 50 (14) Calls for Service, OPD documented 7 incidences to wit:


Florida Traffic Crash Report

Information Report

Residential Burglary

Residential Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary



From September 1-30, 2017, OPD responded to 24 Calls for Service. Of the 24 (3) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:

Information Report

Vehicle Burglary

From September 1-30, 2016, OPD responded to 36 Calls for Service. Of the 36 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 1 incidence to wit:

Vehicle Burglary



From August 1-31, 2017, OPD responded to 41 Calls for Service. Of the 41 (8) Calls for Service, OPD documented 10 incidences to wit:

Baker Act




Grand Theft

Information Report

Information Report

Information Report

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

From August 1-31, 2016, OPD responded to 34 Calls for Service. Of the 34 (1) Calls for Service, OPD documented 8 incidences in 7 reports to wit:

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

Other Information

Suspicious Others


Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

All other Larcenies



From July 1-31, 2017, OPD responded to 41 Calls for Service. Of the 41 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:

Florida Traffic Crash Report

Vehicle Burglary

From July 1-31, 2016, OPD responded to 29 Calls for Service. Of the 29 (8) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences in 2 reports to wit:


Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Drug Equipment



From June 1-30, 2017, OPD responded to 27 Calls for Service. Of the 27 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 7 incidences to wit:



Motor Vehicle Theft

Petit Theft

Residential Burglary

Residential Burglary

Suspicious Incident/Person

From June 1-30, 2016, OPD responded to 28 Calls for Service. Of the 28 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences in 4 reports to wit:

Other Information

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

All other Larcenies

Motor Vehicle Theft



From May 1-31, 2017, OPD responded to 33 Calls for Service. Of the 33 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:


Identity Theft

Motor Vehicle Theft

Residential Burglary

From May 1-31, 2016, OPD responded to 47 Calls for Service. Of the 47 (8) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences in 3 reports to wit:

Property Lost/Stolen


Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories



From April 1-30, 2017, OPD responded to 26 Calls for Service. Of the 26 (5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:


Petit Theft

Vehicle Burglary

From April 1-30, 2016, OPD responded to 27 Calls for Service. Of the 27 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences in 5 reports to wit:

At Large Affidavit

Suspicious Others

Suspicious Others

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories




From March 1-31, 2017, OPD responded to 34 Calls for Service. Of the 34 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:

Missing Person-Adult

Identity Theft

From March 1-31, 2016, OPD responded to 25 Calls for Service. Of the 25 (9) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences in 3 reports to wit:

All other Larcenies

Fraud/False Pretenses/Swindling/Con Games/Contract Procurement





From February 1-28, 2017, OPD responded to 29 Calls for Service. Of the 29 (8) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences to wit:

Information Report

Residential Burglary

From February 1-28, 2016, OPD responded to 29 Calls for Service. Of the 29 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences in 3 reports to wit:

Simple Assault

All other Larcenies

All other Larcenies



From January 1-31, 2017, OPD responded to 34 Calls for Service. Of the 34 (8) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences to wit:


Found Property

Residential Burglary

Residential Burglary

Suspicious Incident/Person

Vehicle Burglary

Warrant Arrest

From January 1-31, 2016, OPD responded to 33 Calls for Service. Of the 33 (5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences in 3 reports to wit:

At Large Affidavit

Property Lost/Stolen

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

All other Larcenies




From December 1-31, 2016, OPD responded to 32 Calls for Service. Of the 32 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences to wit:







From December 1-31, 2015, OPD responded to 42 Calls for Service. Of the 42 (14) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences in 6 reports to wit:

Property Lost - Not Stolen

Property Lost/Stolen

All other Larcenies

All other Larcenies




From November 1-30, 2016, OPD responded to 22 Calls for Service. Of the 22 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences to wit:


Person Robbery

Residential Burglary

From November 1-30, 2015, OPD responded to 25 Calls for Service. Of the 25 (5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences in 6 reports to wit:

Alleged Child Abuse

Suspicious Others

Suspicious Others

Suspicious Others

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Motor Vehicle Theft




From October 1-31, 2016, OPD responded to 50 Calls for Service. Of the 50 (14) Calls for Service, OPD documented 7 incidences to wit:


Florida Traffic Crash Report

Information Report

Residential Burglary

Residential Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

From October 1-31, 2015, OPD responded to 32 Calls for Service. Of the 32 (1) Calls for Service, OPD documented 7 incidences in 7 reports to wit:

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

Simple Assault



All other Larcenies

All Other Reportable Offenses

Missing Person




From September 1-30, 2016, OPD responded to 36 Calls for Service. Of the 36 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 1 incidence to wit:

Vehicle Burglary

From September 1-30, 2015, OPD responded to 20 Calls for Service. Of the 20 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences in 2 reports to wit:

Suspicious Others

Aggravated Assault




From August 1-31, 2016, OPD responded to 34 Calls for Service. Of the 34 (1) Calls for Service, OPD documented 8 incidences in 7 reports to wit:

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

Other Information

Suspicious Others


Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

All other Larcenies

Case Resolution: 2 Local Miscellaneous Ordinances: 1 Arrest

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From August 1-31, 2015, OPD responded to 25 Calls for Service. Of the 25 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 8 incidences in 8 reports to wit:

Other Information

Suspicious Others

Suspicious Others



Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

All other Larcenies

Motor Vehicle Theft



From July 1-31, 2016, OPD responded to 29 Calls for Service. Of the 29 (8) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences in 2 reports to wit:


Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Drug Equipment

Case Resolution: 1 Intimidation: Filed w/ State Attorney 1 Drug Equipment: Filed w/ State Attorney

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From July 1-31, 2015, OPD responded to 31 Calls for Service. Of the 31 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences in 6 reports to wit:




Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

All other Larcenies




From June 1-30, 2016, OPD responded to 28 Calls for Service. Of the 28 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences in 3 reports to wit:

Other Information

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Motor Vehicle Theft

Case Resolution: The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From June 1-30, 2015, OPD responded to 29 Calls for Service. Of the 29 (5) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences in 2 reports to wit:


Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories



From May 1-31, 2016, OPD responded to 47 Calls for Service. Of the 47 (8) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences in 2 reports to wit:


Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Case Resolution: The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From May 1-31, 2015, OPD responded to 28 Calls for Service. Of the 28 (8) Calls for Service, OPD documented 7 incidences in 7 reports to wit:

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

Other Information

Suspicious Others

Suspicious Others

Simple Assault


Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories




From April 1-30, 2016, OPD responded to 27 Calls for Service. Of the 27 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences in 4 reports to wit:

Suspicious Others

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories


Case Resolution: 1 Drugs/Narcotics: Filed w/ State Attorney

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From April 1-30, 2015, OPD responded to 30 Calls for Service. Of the 30 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences in 3 reports to wit:

Property Lost/Stolen






From March 1-31, 2016, OPD responded to 25 Calls for Service. Of the 25 (9) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences in 3 reports to wit:

All other Larcenies

Fraud/False Pretenses/Swindling/Con Games/Contract Procurement


Case Resolution: 1 Drugs/Narcotics: Arrest

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From March 1-31, 2015, OPD responded to 30 Calls for Service. Of the 30 (6) Calls for Service, OPD documented 7 incidences in 6 reports to wit:

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

Suspicious Others

Suspicious Others



Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Fraud/False Pretenses/Swindling/Con Games/Contract Procurement




From February 1-29, 2016, OPD responded to 29 Calls for Service. Of the 29 (1) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences in 3 reports to wit:

Simple Assault

All other Larcenies

All other Larcenies

Case Resolution: 1 Simple Assault: Filed w/State Attorney

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From February 1-28, 2015, OPD responded to 27 Calls for Service. Of the 27 (4) Calls for Service, OPD documented 8 incidences in 7 reports to wit:

Suspicious Others

Warrant Arrest - In City

Warrant Arrest - In City

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Motor Vehicle Theft



From January 1-31, 2016, OPD responded to 33 Calls for Service. Of the 33 (3) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences in 3 reports to wit:

Property Lost/Stolen

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

All other Larcenies


Case Resolution: The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From January 1-31, 2015, OPD responded to 21 Calls for Service. Of the 21 (1) Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences in 5 reports to wit:

Local Miscellaneous Ordinances


Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

All other Larcenies

All other Larcenies



From December 1-31, 2015, OPD responded to 42 Calls for Service. Of the 42 (7) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences in 3 reports to wit:

Property Lost/Stolen

All other Larcenies

All other Larcenies

Case Resolution: The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From December 1-31, 2014, OPD responded to 47 Calls for Service. Of the 47 (10) Calls for Service, OPD documented 12 incidences in 11 reports to wit:

Other Information



Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

All other Larcenies

All other Larcenies

All other Larcenies



From November 1-30, 2015, OPD responded to 25 Calls for Service. Of the 25 (1) Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences in 5 reports to wit:

Alleged Child Abuse

Suspicious Others

Suspicious Others

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Motor Vehicle Theft

Case Resolution: The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From November 1-30, 2014, OPD responded to 38 Calls for Service. Of the 38 (2) Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences in 3 reports to wit:

Other Information


Al other Larcenies

All other Larcenies




From October 1-31, 2015, OPD responded to 32 Calls for Service. Of the 32 (1) Calls for Service, OPD documented 7 incidences in 7 reports to wit:

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

Simple Assault



All other Larcenies

All other Reportable Offenses

Missing Person

Case Resolution: The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From October 1-31, 2014, OPD responded to 28 Calls for Service. Of the 28 (3) Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences in 3 reports to wit:


All other Larcenies

Fraud/False Pretenses/Swindling/Con Games/Contract Procurement




From September 1-30, 2015, OPD responded to 20 Calls for Service. Of the 20 (1) Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences in 2 reports to wit:

Suspicious Others

Aggravated Assault

Case Resolution: 1 Aggravated Assault: Arrest

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From September 1-30, 2014, OPD responded to 15 Calls for Service. Of the 15 (0) Calls for Service, OPD documented 1 incidence in 1 report to wit:

Suspicious Person



From August 1-31, 2015, OPD responded to 25 Calls for Service. Of the 25 Calls for Service, OPD documented 8 incidences in 8 reports to wit:

Other Information

Suspicious Others

Suspicious Others



Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

All other Larcenies

Motor Vehicle Theft

Case Resolution: 1 Other Information: Unfounded 2 Suspicious Others: 1 Unfounded 1 Motor Vehicle Theft: Administratively Resolved

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From August 1-31, 2014, OPD responded to 28 Calls for Service. Of the 28 Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences in 2 reports to wit:

Property Lost/Stolen

All other Larcenies




From July 1-31, 2015, OPD responded to 31 Calls for Service. Of the 31 Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences in 6 reports to wit:




Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

All other Larcenies

Case Resolution: These cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From July 1-31, 2014, OPD responded to 23 Calls for Service. Of the 23 Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences in 5 reports to wit:

Suspicious Others




All other Larcenies




From June 1-30, 2015, OPD responded to 29 Calls for Service. Of the 29 Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences in 2 reports to wit:


Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Case Resolution: These cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From June 1-30, 2014, OPD responded to 26 Calls for Service. Of the 26 Calls for Service, OPD documented 1 incidence in 1 report to wit:

Suspicious Others




From May 1-31, 2015, OPD responded to 28 Calls for Service. Of the 28 Calls for Service, OPD documented 7 incidences in 7 reports to wit:

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

Other Information

Suspicious Others

Suspicious Others

Simple Assault


Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Case Resolution: 2 Suspicious Others: 1 Administratively Resolved 1 Simple Assault: Filed with State Attorney

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From May 1-31, 2014, OPD responded to 37 Calls for Service. Of the 37 Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences in 2 reports to wit:

At Large Affidavit

Property Found - Not Lost or Stolen

Aggravated Assault




From April 1-30, 2015, OPD responded to 30 Calls for Service. Of the 30 Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences in 3 reports to wit:

Property Lost/Stolen



Case Resolution: 1 Burglary: Arrest

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From April 1-30, 2014, OPD responded to 23 Calls for Service. Of the 23 Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences in 4 reports to wit:

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

All other Larcenies

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property



From March 1-31, 2015, OPD responded to 30 Calls for Service. Of the 30 Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences in 5 reports to wit:

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

Suspicious Others



Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Fraud/False Pretenses/Swindling/Con Games/Contract Procurement

Case Resolution: 1 Intimidation: Informational Report 1 Fraud/False Pretenses/Swindling/Con Games/Contract Procurement: Administratively Resolved

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From March 1-31, 2014, OPD responded to 42 Calls for Service. Of the 42 Calls for Service, OPD documented 8 incidences in 7 reports to wit:

Property Lost - Not Stolen

Suspicious Others

Simple Assault




Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories




From February 1-28, 2015, OPD responded to 27 Calls for Service. Of the 27 Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences in 4 reports to wit:

Suspicious Others

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Motor Vehicle Theft

Case Resolution: 1 Suspicious Others: Administratively Resolved 3 Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories: 1 Arrest 1 Motor Vehicle Theft: Administratively Resolved

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From February 1-28, 2014, OPD responded to 24 Calls for Service. Of the 24 Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences in 3 reports to wit:

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

Suspicious Others

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property




From January 1-31, 2015, OPD responded to 21 Calls for Service. Of the 21 Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences in 4 reports to wit:

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

All other Larcenies

All other Larcenies

Case Resolution: 2 All Other Larcenies: 1 Arrest

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From January 1-31, 2014, OPD responded to 40 Calls for Service. Of the 40 Calls for Service, OPD documented 1 incidence in 1 report to wit:

Property Found - Not Lost or Stolen



From December 1-31, 2014, OPD responded to 47 Calls for Service. Of the 47 Calls for Service, OPD documented 12 incidences in 11 reports to wit:

Other Information



Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

All other Larcenies

All other Larcenies

All other Larcenies

Case Resolution: These cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From December 1-31, 2013, OPD responded to 39 Calls for Service. Of the 39 Calls for Service, OPD documented 7 incidences in 7 reports to wit:



Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

All other Larcenies

All other Larcenies

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property




From November 1-30, 2014, OPD responded to 38 Calls for Service. Of the 38 Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences in 3 reports to wit:

Other Information


All other Larcenies

All other Larcenies

Case Resolution: These cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From November 1-30, 2013, OPD responded to 42 Calls for Service. Of the 42 Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences in 5 reports to wit:





All Other Larcenies

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property




From October 1-31, 2014, OPD responded to 28 Calls for Service. Of the 28 Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences in 3 reports to wit:


All other Larcenies

Fraud/False Pretenses/Swindling/Con Games/Contract Procurement

Case Resolution: These cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From October 1-31, 2013, OPD responded to 38 Calls for Service. Of the 38 Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences in 4 reports to wit:

Property Lost/Stolen


All other Larcenies

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property




From September 1-30, 2014, OPD responded to 15 Calls for Service. Of the 15 Calls for Service, OPD documented 1 incidence in 1 report to wit:

Suspicious Person

Case Resolution: This case is either active or inactive pending leads.

From September 1-30, 2013, OPD responded to 44 Calls for Service. Of the 44 Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences in 4 reports to wit:

Other Information


All other Larcenies

Fraud/False Pretenses/Swindling/Con Games/Contract Procurement




From August 1-31, 2014, OPD responded to 28 Calls for Service. Of the 28 Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences in 2 reports to wit:

Property Lost/Stolen

All other Larcenies

Case Resolution: These cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From August 1-31, 2013, OPD responded to 46 Calls for Service. Of the 46 Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences in 6 reports to wit:

Other Information

Suspicious Others



Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property




From July 1-31, 2014, OPD responded to 23 Calls for Service. Of the 23 Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences in 5 reports to wit:

Suspicious Others




All other Larcenies

Case Resolution: These cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From July 1-31, 2013, OPD responded to 35 Calls for Service. Of the 35 Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences in 6 reports to wit:



Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Fraud/False Pretenses/Swindling/Con Games/Contract Procurement




From June 1-30, 2014, OPD responded to 26 Calls for Service. Of the 26 Calls for Service, OPD documented 1 incidence in 1 report to wit:

Suspicious Others

Case Resolution: This case is either active or inactive pending leads.

From June 1-30, 2013, OPD responded to 50 Calls for Service. Of the 50 Calls for Service, OPD documented 8 incidences in 8 reports to wit:

Property Found - Not Stolen

Other Information

Simple Assault


Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories




From May 1-31, 2014, OPD responded to 37 Calls for Service. Of the 37 Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences in 2 reports to wit:

At Large Affidavit

Property Found - Not Lost or Stolen

Aggravated Assault

Case Resolution: These cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From May 1-31, 2013, OPD responded to 40 Calls for Service. Of the 40 Calls for Service, OPD documented 9 incidences in 9 reports to wit:

Property Found - Not Stolen

Other Information

Suspicious Others


All Other Larcenies

All Other Larcenies

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property




From April 1-30, 2014, OPD responded to 23 Calls for Service. Of the 23 Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences in 4 reports to wit:

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

All other Larcenies

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property

Case Resolution: 2 Local Miscellaneous Ordinances: 1 Filed with State Attorney, 1 Arrest

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From April 1-30, 2013, OPD responded to 37 Calls for Service. Of the 37 Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences in 4 reports to wit:

Suspicious Others


Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories



From March 1-31, 2014, OPD responded to 42 Calls for Service. Of the 42 Calls for Service, OPD documented 8 incidences in 7 reports to wit:

Property Lost - Not Stolen

Suspicious Others

Simple Assault




Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Case Resolution: 1 Suspicious Others: Unfounded

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From March 1-31, 2013, OPD responded to 59 Calls for Service. Of the 59 Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences in 6 reports to wit:

Other Information

Other Information

Simple Assault



Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories




From February 1-28, 2014, OPD responded to 24 Calls for Service. Of the 24 Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences in 3 reports to wit:

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

Suspicious Others

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property

Case Resolution: These cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From February 1-28, 2013, OPD responded to 42 Calls for Service. Of the 42 Calls for Service, OPD documented 10 incidences in 9 reports to wit:

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

Suspicious Others



Traffic – Other




Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Motor Vehicle Theft




From January 1-31, 2014, OPD responded to 40 Calls for Service. Of the 40 Calls for Service, OPD documented 1 incidence in 1 report to wit:

Property Found - Not Lost or Stolen

Case Resolution: 1 Property Found – Not Lost or Stolen: Informational Report

From January 1-31, 2013, OPD responded to 48 Calls for Service. Of the 48 Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences in 5 reports to wit:

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

Other Information

Suspicious Others

Simple Assault

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories




From December 1-31, 2013, OPD responded to 39 Calls for Service. Of the 39 Calls for Service, OPD documented 7 incidences in 7 reports to wit:



Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

All other Larcenies

All other Larcenies

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property

Case Resolution: These cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From December 1-31, 2012, OPD responded to 46 Calls for Service. Of the 46 Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences in 4 reports to wit:

All Other Larcenies: Filed with the State Attorney’s Office

Simple Assault: Filed with the State Attorney’s Office




From November 1-30, 2013, OPD responded to 42 Calls for Service. Of the 42 Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences in 5 reports to wit:





All other Larcenies

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property

Case Resolution: 1 Intimidation: Arrest 3 Burglaries: 1 Arrest

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From November 1-30, 2012, OPD responded to 29 Calls for Service. Of the 29 Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences in 3 reports to wit:







From October 1-31, 2013, OPD responded to 38 Calls for Service. Of the 38 Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences in 4 reports to wit:

Property Lost/Stolen


All other Larcenies

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property

Case Resolution: These cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From October 1-31, 2012, OPD responded to 37 Calls for Service. Of the 37 Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences in 6 reports to wit:

Other Information



Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

All other Larcenies

Fraud/False Pretenses/Swindling/Con Games/Contract Procurement




From September 1-30, 2013, OPD responded to 44 Calls for Service. Of the 44 Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences in 4 reports to wit:

Other Information


All 0ther Larcenies

Fraud/False Pretenses/Swindling/Con Games/Contract Procurement

Case Resolution: These cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From September 1-30, 2012, OPD responded to 32 Calls for Service. Of the 32 Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences in 3 reports to wit:


Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Fraud/False Pretenses/Swindling/Con Games/Contract Procurement




From August 1-31, 2013, OPD responded to 46 Calls for Service. Of the 46 Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences in 6 reports to wit:

Other Information

Suspicious Others



Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property

Case Resolution: 1 Intimidation: 1 Arrest

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From August 1-31, 2012, OPD responded to 34 Calls for Service. Of the 34 Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences in 2 reports to wit:

Suspicious Others





From July 1-31, 2013, OPD responded to 35 Calls for Service. Of the 35 Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences in 6 reports to wit:



Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Fraud/False Pretenses/Swindling/Con Games/Contract Procurement

Case Resolution: These cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From July 1-31, 2012, OPD responded to 47 Calls for Service. Of the 47 Calls for Service, OPD documented 3 incidences in 3 reports to wit:

Other Information


Fraud/False Pretenses/Swindling/Con Games/Contract Procurement



From June 1-30, 2013, OPD responded to 50 Calls for Service. Of the 50 Calls for Service, OPD documented 8 incidences in 8 reports to wit:

Property Found - Not Stolen

Other Information

Simple Assault


Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Case Resolution: 1 Simple Assault: Filed with State Attorney

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From June 1-30, 2012, OPD responded to 54 Calls for Service. Of the 54 Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences in 5 reports to wit:

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance


Traffic - Other

Warrant Arrest - In City






From May 1-31, 2013, OPD responded to 40 Calls for Service. Of the 40 Calls for Service, OPD documented 9 incidences in 9 reports to wit:

Property Found - Not Stolen

Other Information

Suspicious Others


All other Larcenies

All other Larcenies

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property

Case Resolution: Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts: Arrest All Other Larcenies: Arrest Other Information: Arrest

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From May 1-31, 2012, OPD responded to 54 Calls for Service. Of the 54 Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences in 2 reports to wit:

Simple Assault

All other Larcenies




From April 1-30, 2013, OPD responded to 23 Calls for Service. Of the 23 Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences in 4 reports to wit:

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

All Other Larcenies

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property

Case Resolution: 2 Local Miscellaneous Ordinances: 1 Filed with State Attorney, 1 Arrest

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From April 1-30, 2012, OPD responded to 37 Calls for Service. Of the 37 Calls for Service, OPD documented 4 incidences in 4 reports to wit:

Suspicious Others


Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories




From March 1-31, 2013, OPD responded to 59 Calls for Service. Of the 59 Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences in 6 reports to wit:

Other Information

Other Information

Simple Assault



Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Case Resolution: Intimidation: Arrest Simple Assault: Arrest

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From March 1-31, 2012, OPD responded to 42 Calls for Service Of the 42 Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences in 6 reports to wit:

Property Lost - Not Stolen


Warrant Arrest - In City






From February 1-28, 2013, OPD responded to 42 Calls for Service. Of the 42 Calls for Service, OPD documented 10 incidences in 9 reports to wit:

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

Suspicious Others



Traffic – Other




Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Motor Vehicle Theft

Case Resolution: Local Ordinance: Filed with the State Attorney’s Office Accident: Arrest Traffic: Arrest

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From February 1-28, 2012, OPD responded to 26 Calls for Service Of the 26 Calls for Service, OPD documented 5 incidences in 5 reports to wit:


Warrant Arrest - In City


Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property



From January 1-31, 2013, OPD responded to 48 Calls for Service. Of the 48 Calls for Service, OPD documented 6 incidences in 5 reports to wit:

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

Other Information

Suspicious Others

Simple Assault

Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories


Case Resolution: DUI: Arrest Simple Assault: Arrest Local Ordinance: Arrest

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From January 1-31, 2012, OPD responded to 35 Calls for Service Of the 35 Calls for Service, OPD documented 2 incidences in 2 reports to wit:

All other Reportable Larcenies

All other Reportable Larcenies



From December 1 to December 31, 2012, OPD had a total of 46 Calls for Service.

Reckless Vehicle

Suspicious Cars

Suspicious Cars

Non-Emergency Assistance

Non-Emergency Assistance

Vandalism/Criminal Mischief

Vandalism/Criminal Mischief

Vandalism/Criminal Mischief



8 House/Business Checks

Obscene/Harassing Phone Call

Direct Traffic

Direct Traffic

Illegally Parked Car

Unknown Troubles

Unknown Troubles


Suspicious Incident

Suspicious Incident

9 Suspicious Persons

Residential Burglary

7 Residential Alarms

Accident Blocking Highway

Stopping Vehicle

In December 2011, OPD responded to 49 Calls for Service. For this report: there were a total of 4 incidences documented in 4 police reports

Case Resolution: All Other Larcenies: Filed with the State Attorney’s Office Simple Assault: Filed with the State Attorney’s Office

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From December 1-31, 2011, OPD documented the following incidences:



Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

All Other Larcenies

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property




From November 1-30, 2012, OPD responded to 53 Calls for Service.




Case Resolution: The cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From November 1-30, 2011, OPD documented the following incidences:

7 Burglaries


All other Reportable Offenses

Other Information

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts/Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts/Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts/Accessories


Motor Vehicle Theft



From October 1-31, 2012, OPD responded to 53 Calls for Service. Reports occur when the police have documented a crime, suspected crime, or informational report for other reasons. Sometimes one crime can have multiple criminal elements.

For this report: there were a total of 6 incidences documented in 6 police reports.

Other Information



Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

All other Larcenies

Fraud/False Pretenses/Swindling/Con Games/Contract Procurement

Case Resolution: Fraud/False Pretense: Administratively Resolved

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From October 1-31, 2011, OPD documented the following incidences:

Natural Death at Other Location

Other Information

Simple Assault



Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories




From September 1-30, 2012, OPD responded to 104 Calls for Service.

For this report: there were a total of 3 incidences documented in 3 police reports


Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Fraud/False Pretenses/Swindling/Con Games/Contract Procurement

Case Resolution: Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts/Accessories: Arrest Fraud: Administratively Resolved

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From September 1-30, 2011, OPD documented the following incidences:

Property Lost/Stolen

Suspicious Others

Suspicious Others




Theft from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories




From August 1-31, 2012, OPD responded to 40 Calls for Service. Reports occur when the police have documented a crime, suspected crime, or informational report for other reasons. Sometimes one crime can have multiple criminal elements.

For this report: there were a total of 2 incidences documented in 2 police reports.

Suspicious Others


Case Resolution: Suspicious Others: Information Report The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From August 1-31, 2011, OPD documented the following incidences:

At Large Affidavit

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance

Property Lost/Stolen






Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property




From July 1-31, 2012, OPD responded to 40 Calls for Service.

Other Information


Fraud/False Pretenses/Swindling/Con Games/Contract Procurement

Case Resolution: Fraud/False Pretenses: Administratively Resolved

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From July 1-31, 2011, OPD documented the following incidences:




All other Larcenies

All other Larcenies

All other Larcenies

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories




From June 1-30, 2012, OPD responded to 42 Calls for Service. Reports occur when the police have documented a crime, suspected crime, or informational report for other reasons. Sometimes one crime can have multiple criminal elements.

For this report: there were a total of 6 incidences documented in 5 police reports.

Local Miscellaneous Ordinance


Traffic – Other

Warrant Arrest - In City



Case Resolution: Warrant: Arrest Traffic-Other: Arrest DUI: Arrest

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From June 1-31, 2011, OPD documented the following incidences:

Property Lost/Stolen



All other Larcenies

All other Larcenies




From May 1-31, 2012, OPD responded to 48 Calls for Service.

Reports occur when the police have documented a crime, suspected crime, or informational report for other reasons. Sometimes one crime can have multiple criminal elements

For this report: there were a total of 2 incidences documented in 2 police reports.

Simple Assault

All other Larcenies

Case Resolution: Simple Assault: Exceptionally Cleared Lack of Prosecution

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.

From May 1-31, 2011, OPD documented the following incidences:

Other Information

Suspicious Others

Simple Assault

Fraud/False Pretenses/Swindling/Con Games/Contract Procurement

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property




From April 1-30, 2012, OPD responded for 54 Calls for Service. Reports occur when the police have documented a crime, suspected crime, or informational report for other reasons. Sometimes one crime can have multiple criminal elements.

For this report: there were a total of 14 incidences documented in 13 police reports.

8 Burglaries

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

Thefts from Motor Vehicle except Parts or Accessories

All other Larcenies

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property

Case Resolution: Burglary: Arrest

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads

From April 1-30, 2011, OPD documented the following incidences:




Aggravated Assault








From March 1 to March 31, OPD had a total of 42 Calls for Service.

Drunk Driver

Reckless Vehicles

Reckless Vehicles

Reckless Vehicles

Suspicious Cars

Suspicious Cars

Suspicious Cars

General Disturbances

General Disturbances


Fugitive from Justice/Wanted

Found Property

Illegally Parked Cars

Illegally Parked Cars

Unknown Troubles

Unknown Troubles

Drug Violation

Disabled Occupied Vehicle

9 Suspicious Persons

8 Residential Alarms

Accident Blocking Highway


Stopping Vehicle

Stopping Vehicle

Stopping Vehicle

Stopping Vehicle

Stopping Vehicle

March 2011, there were a total of 6 incidences documented in 6 police reports.

Property Lost - Not Stolen


Warrant Arrest - In City




Case Resolution: Warrant: Arrest Drugs/Narcotics: Arrest DUI: Arrest

The remaining cases are either active or inactive pending leads.



No statistics for Delaney Park from February 1-28, 2012 - February 1-28, 2011



No statistics for Delaney Park from January 1-31, 2012 - January 1-31, 2011
