City of Orlando Redistricting Advisory Board Holds Virtual Mapping Software Tutorial
Every ten years, following the completion of the federal census, the City of Orlando initiates a redistricting process using the new census data to ensure equal population among the city commission districts.
A key part of this process includes input from residents and the City’s Redistricting Advisory Board (RAB) will host a series of public meetings including community meetings in each city district and working board session meetings to provide opportunities for feedback. All members of the public are encouraged to attend and provide suggestions to proposed changes to the City of Orlando commission districts at each of the public community meetings.
Additionally, in 2022, citizens will be able to provide input about their community and proposed map online. The first public meeting is a free virtual webinar that will provide instructions on how residents can use the redistricting software to submit their mapping suggestions.
For more information on upcoming board and community meetings, please visit
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
5:30 p.m.
Virtual Meeting