Police Pension Fund Board
Administration and responsibility for the Police Pension Plan is vested with the Board of Trustees (“the Board”). The Board has a fiduciary responsibility to the plan and its participants and, as such, must exercise prudent judgment in its oversight and administration of the pension fund. Florida Statutes Chapter 185 requires the Board be comprised of five trustees serving concurrent two-year terms. The Board is made up of two city residents appointed by the City Council, two police officers elected by a majority of the actively employed plan participants and one member chosen by a majority of the other four members and ministerially appointed by the City Council. By majority vote, trustees elect from among themselves a chairman, vice-chairman and secretary.
Three individuals serve the Board in staff positions. Serving the Board is a primary function of their normal position with the city. Included in this group are the city treasurer (executive director), treasury manager (deputy executive director), and the pension coordinator.