Median or Pedestrian / Bicycle Refuge Island

A median is a demarcated linear space in the center of the street, typically placed between the two directions of vehicle travel. Medians can calm traffic and reduce speeds by narrowing the roadway and providing deflection. Where wide enough, they can be used as refuge islands for people walking or biking to facilitate safer and more comfortable crossings. They are typically delineated by striping, flex posts or other vertical barriers, and/or other artistic elements.

A pedestrian refuge marked by a colored surface treatments and K71 flex posts. 
 A photo of a pedestrian median created by colored pavement and flex posts.
Oakland, CA (Kittelson & Associates, Inc.) Madison, MN (MNDOT) 


Program Goals This Project Type Meets

  • Increase safety (pedestrian and bicycle)
  • Improve travel options

Typical Applications

  • Along sections of a 2-4 lane roadway
  • On the approaches to intersections between 2 lane roadways

Material Options

Design Considerations

  • Maintain proper drainage and ability to access for street sweeping
  • Maintain truck, bus, and fire truck turning ability
  • If meant to serve as a refuge island, must be at least 6’ wide
  • Determine appropriate taper length based on target speed and existing geometry (see MUTCD for more information)

Other Considerations

  • Opportunity to include artistic elements and/or coordinate with a larger intersection mural project
  • ADA accessibility if serving as a refuge island, particularly for pedestrians with visual impairments
  • Consider a refuge with offsets (a “staggered crosswalk”) for midblock crossings. These crossings are often supported with RRFBs 

Other Resources