Tamia Thomas - Central Florida Leadership Academy
Tamia has always found a way to bring her unique gifts and humanitarianism to her fellow students and community through various outlets such as academics, service, leadership, and the arts. Tamia uses her love of the arts to push forward a message of unity and understanding by portraying important roles on the stage such as that of Mama in A Raisin in the Sun, Ronald in Hands on a Hardbody, and Juror number 10 in 12 Angry Jurors. Each role required her to use her skills and teach the audience important information regarding race, gender, and social acceptance and unity.
She has further demonstrated her ability as a leader as vice president of the school’s chapter of International Thespians Society, an honor society for theatre, where she leads a group of students in giving back to the community and school through the arts and utilizing the arts to tell the stories of those that are often silenced and marginalized.
Future Plans: Tamia aspires to enter the legal profession and become a judge.
Favorite MLK Quote: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”