First Place: A Thank You Note by Ingrid Pujol

These notes tell the story of dark clouds that low and heavy
Forced sighs out of the skies into the silence heard by many.
Short of breath words and wonders sought a byway below,
Ink poured down the throat of thunder and struck its blow.
The sound of the melody’s tones made the downpour hurt
Leaving a mark in the shape of m…“Music”, the given name.
No one along the byway escaped the rhythms of the threat,
The heart followed its beat flouting the shortness of breath.
Music lit up the dark for the low and heavy, guiding many.
Dazzling shimmery light, colors of ink in the skies at seven
Shone upon a rusty string, moonstruck mortal’s vocal cord,
Fingers failed to sing the song and wrote a Thank You note.
About the Author
Ingrid is a Psychologist and her passion is helping children. She will be publishing her first book within a few months. It is a children's book, inspired by Covid times. Ingrid participated in her first writing contest when she was 9 years old. Literature and Music are her two favorite art expressions.