Notice of Funding Availability City of Orlando 2021-2022 SHIP Funding

Last updated on November 03, 2021

The City of Orlando will receive $1.9 million in State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) for affordable housing programs from the Florida Housing Finance Corporations, for fiscal year 2021-2022.

On December 3, 2021 the city will begin taking applications for assistance for all strategies defined in the Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP), including the Owner-Occupied Repair/Rehabilitation and Purchase Assistance Programs. This application period will end when all funds have been committed.

Of the city’s allocated funds, a minimum of 20% ($394,216) will be set aside for Special Needs Households. First priority will be given to persons with developmental disabilities as defined in s. 393.063, Florida Statutes, with an emphasis on home modifications to allow homeowners to remain independent in their own homes and maintain their homeownership. Second priority will be to other eligible persons with special needs as defined in s. 420.0004, Florida Statutes.

The remaining funds will be utilized for repairs/rehabilitation to owner-occupied residences, purchase assistance for first time homebuyers, and other strategies identified in the 2021-2024 LHAP. Under the Owner-Occupied Repair/Rehab Programs, assistance is provided to income-eligible owner occupants to make repairs to their home. The Purchase Assistance Program provides down payment and closing cost assistance to income-eligible households purchasing newly constructed homes or existing homes with the City of Orlando with a purchase price limit of $311,980. For more information about income limits and other qualification requirements, please visit the city’s website at

Beginning December 3, 2021, interested persons can apply online at A full description of the SHIP program, including additional potential strategies, detailed requirements and set asides, can be viewed on the city’s website. If you are a Contractor interested in working with the city on these programs or have any questions please contact the city’s Housing and Community Development Department at 407.246.2708 or email

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