Small Business Façade, Site Improvement and Adaptive Reuse Program

Program Overview

The Small Business Façade, Site Improvement and Adaptive Reuse Program (FSARP) is designed to revitalize business corridors and abandoned buildings within the city limits through funding for building façade, site improvements, and/or building reuse improvements. The goal of the FSARP is to preserve our history, contribute to our economic vitality by promoting small business and to cultivate vibrant neighborhood business corridors. The FSARP is designed as a forgivable loan program. Awards made to properties will encourage reuse of vacant or underutilized properties, improve appearance, and support the long-term viability of the city.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Buildings must be located within the City of Orlando limits. Small Business Façade, Site and Adaptive Reuse Improvement funding must only be awarded for eligible properties that pay ad valorem taxes.
  • Applicants must be a commercial property owner and/ or a new, for-profit business (tenant) moving into an existing site, or an existing for-profit business (tenant) in the City of Orlando.
  • All business owner applicants must be a small business as defined by the U. S. Small Business Administration.
  • All existing business owner applicants must possess a current City of Orlando Business Tax Receipt.
  • All applicants must be current with state, and local taxes, and not have any outstanding tax liens imposed against any property.
  • All applicants must propose a minimum of three distinct improvements.
  • All applicants (business and/ property owner) must not have outstanding code enforcement violations or liens (unless related to a change of use).

Eligible Applicants

  • Manufacturing industries
  • Construction industries
  • Technology and communication industries
  • Business service industries
  • Transportation and storage industries
  • Retail and restaurant industries
  • Business with cultural uses
  • Personal service industries (i.e. barber shops, beauty shops, laundromats, appliance repair, jewelry and clock repair, duplicating services, health spas, dance studios, photography studios, tailoring, and other similar services)
  • Medical services and support (medical office supply, equipment supply, compound pharmacy, independent pharmacy, independent medical office, independent doctor group medical office, independent veterinary office)
  • Local chain businesses (businesses must have its main corporate headquarter office in central Florida (Orange, Lake, Seminole, Osceola counties), have no more than three (3) locations in the City of Orlando, qualify as at least one of the industries in subsections 1-9 and must be a small business as defined by the U.S. Small Business Administration)
  • On a case-by-case basis if a project is located within the City’s designated Main Street/Market Street areas, Urban Job Tax Credit Area and/or a designated Brownfield areas/site the City may approve a use not listed within the Eligible Applicants

Ineligible Applicants*

  • National franchises
  • Social services businesses including but not limited to: walk-in clinics, pain management clinics, hospitals and all affiliated services, chain pharmacies, detoxification centers/clinics, residential care facilities and labs
  • Residential property (owners and tenants of residential property)
  • Not-for-profit organizations
  • Government-owned or occupied buildings (government owners or government owner/occupants)
  • Church/religious institutions
  • Health and medical industries
  • Agricultural service industries
  • Tattoo parlors
  • Body piercing or body art shops
  • Adult entertainment facilities
  • Adult-oriented or adult-themed retail businesses
  • Nightclubs, bars or taverns
  • Liquor stores
  • Gun shops
  • Pawn shops
  • Businesses that sell drug paraphernalia
  • Any business or commercial property with outstanding code enforcement violations or liens (unless related to a change of use)
  • Any business with outstanding red light camera violations
  • Any business or commercial property that is not current with state and local taxes, and/or has any outstanding tax lien(s) against any property
  • Any business or commercial property with outstanding debt to the city
  • Medical marijuana businesses (wholesale, retail, production, processing and testing)

* A copy of the business’ license issued by the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation may be requested to determine eligibility. 


For more information, please email, or call 407.246.2821.