Buddy Dyer Mayor Telephone407.246.2221 Email buddy.dyer@orlando.gov ProfileBuddy Dyer has served as Mayor of the City of Orlando since 2003, and from his first day in office, he has worked tirelessly to advance the community’s shared vision for Orlando as America’s 21st Century City. Facebook Twitter
Jim Gray - District 1 Commissioner, District 1 Telephone407.246.2001 Commissioner's AideDiane Wilhelmdiane.wilhelm@orlando.gov Email jim.gray@orlando.gov ProfileCommissioner Gray was elected to the Orlando City Commission on June 1, 2012. Facebook Instagram
Tony Ortiz - District 2 Commissioner, District 2 Telephone407.246.2002 Commissioner's AideMonique Etiennemonique.etienne@orlando.govCommunications ManagerPiero Mezapiero.meza@orlando.gov Email tony.ortiz@orlando.gov ProfileCommissioner Antonio “Tony” Ortiz has lived in the City of Orlando since 1989. His career in public service began when he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 1984. He served his country for nine years and is a Persian Gulf War Veteran. Facebook Twitter Instagram
Robert F. Stuart - District 3 Commissioner, District 3 Telephone407.246.2003 Commissioner's AideMaria Montanomaria.montano@orlando.gov Email robert.stuart@orlando.gov ProfileRobert F. Stuart was born and raised in Orlando. Prior to serving on the Council, he served as the co-chair of the Mayor’s Working Committee on Homelessness and on the task force for Orange County’s Council on Aging. Twitter Facebook
Patty Sheehan - District 4 Commissioner, District 4 Telephone407.246.2004 Commissioner's AideBill Stevensbill.stevens@orlando.gov Email patty.sheehan@orlando.gov ProfileCommissioner Patty Sheehan was first elected to the City Council in 2000. She served as President of the Colonialtown North Neighborhood Association. Facebook
Shan Rose - District 5 Interim Commissioner, District 5 Telephone407.246.2005 Commissioner's AideMarjorie Bernadelmarjorie.bernadel@orlando.govDigital Communications SpecialistDonald Wallacedon.wallace@orlando.gov Email shan.rose@orlando.gov Facebook Instagram
Bakari F. Burns - District 6 Commissioner, District 6 Telephone407.246.2006 Commissioner's AideHeather Numa Bellheather.numa@orlando.gov407.246.3016 Email bakari.burns@orlando.gov ProfileCommissioner Bakari F. Burns has served Central Florida as the CEO of Orange Blossom Family Health since 2003. First elected to the City Commission in 2020, Commissioner Burns has a long history of serving the city in other capacities. Facebook Instagram Twitter
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